You Get into a fight

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(You fight over him working all the time)
   Y/N walks into her husband's home office after getting up to use the restroom at night only to find the bed empty, she leans against the doorway to see him with his laptop open, files in front of him and the desk light on.

"Andre it is three in the morning" Y/N says tightening the ties of her robe.

"I just need to work out this contract for my dad and then I'll be right up" Andre says.

"Your dad has his own lawyer for legal affairs, babe come to bed" Y/N tries again.

"Damn it Y/N! You don't understand about working night to night because you only work at your boutique from nine to five. Just go to bed" Andre yells at you making you freeze and your face hardens and grab the pillow off the couch beside you tossing it at his head.

       He turns around in his chair with a loud growl of annoyance and anger, he doesn't date dare respond verbally when he says your hands on her hips and your eyes glaring at him.

"You're right Andre Lyon! I don't understand but you can stay up as long as you want because you are not sleeping in my bed tonight" Y/N snarls and stomps out of the office slamming the door behind her.

(He puts his music before your relationship)

   Y/N and Jamal are having dinner in his new apartment, all Jamal is talking about is his new album. Don't get her wrong, Y/N loves how passionate Jamal is but he has missed three dates this week because he was working on his album.

"Jamal babe why don't we go out of town this weekend" Y/N suggests?

"No are you crazy? My album is not nearly
done, I have to add the finishing touches to them" he says eating some of his steak.

"It's just two days" Y/N coaxes.

"Just drop it Y/N it's not happening, my music comes first and you know this" Jamal barks slamming his hand down on the table rattling the silverware.
"I don't know who you think I am, but talking to me like you are doing will have very dire results" Y/N states calmly pronouncing each word.

"You're asking me to choose between you and music" Jamal says.

"You sing about love but once you get it, you push it away. Lucious really did a number on you" Y/N says and doesn't say a word for the rest of the night.

(He has too many groupies)

       Y/N is sitting done in a directors chair watching Hakeem lying in bed shirtless with four girls running their hands done his arms and chest. The urge to strangle their necks and breaks their arms building up in her stomach, she rolls her eyes at how jealous Hakeem gets whenever there is one shirtless guy in her videos but he is allowed to do this.

      After watching Hakeem hand slides down a girls, no video vixen's leg and butt; Y/N climbs out of the chair and stalks on set pushing the girl away from Hakeem
making the director call cut.

"Y/N what the hell" Lucious yells at her.

"Shut up Lucious" Y/N growls when Hakeem grabs her arms and pulls her out of everyone's view, by the snack table.

"Y/N what is you problem" he barks?

"You are too close with them groupies" she states.

"I don't have time for jealousy and insecurities right now, you knew what being my girl meant" he says.

"Yes, I also thought I would be respected but I guess we were both wrong" Y/N bites back.

"Man I don't need all of your negative ass energy on set, you can either stay and wait until the video is done or you can leave. Your choice" Hakeem states and walks away back to the bed with the vixens.

         Y/N looks at Hakeem before walking over to the director's chair, she picks up her phone and coat before walking out of the building slamming the door shut behind her not seeing Hakeem eyes follow her.

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