Adopting a Child Part 3

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           It has been twenty years, since Kellie and Hakeem adopted Dylan. They had two biological kids five years after him named Bryson and Janèt or JJ. Luscious and Cookie retired from the music business when he five leaving it to their sons, now everyone is at Luscious house for a family dinner. Jamal is sitting behind the piano strumming away, Andre is sitting on the couch in a casual outfit with his ten year old daughter beside him reading.

"Is everyone here now" Kellie asks?

"Yes now what is this meeting for ma" Dylan asks, at twenty one he is towering over both of his parents. Almost as tall as his uncle, Bryson and JJ are shorter than him and almost Hakeem height.

"It's about us. Well mainly our decision to leave Empire" Andre says and everyone turns to look at him as they see Jamal and Hakeem make their way to either stand beside him on the couch or behind him.

"Wait what" Bryson asks?

"My brothers have been in Empire since we were teens, we have seen the highs and lows. But we maintained our family bond no matter what, we have decided it is our kids turn to run Empire" Andre says.

"Are you serious" Janèt asks?

"Yes so Dylan you are CEO of Empire now" Andre says and Hakeem walks over with the staff and hands it out to Dylan, he is hesitant at first before grasping it in his hands. Hakeem smiles proudly and squeezes his son's shoulder firmly, Kellie walks over and presses a kiss to her son's cheek.

"Dylan. My first grandson and grandchild, I have watched you grow and become this man I am proud to call my family. You deserve this" Luscious says raising his glass to him.

"Dylan baby. One of the most precious blessings that God have given me after my sons, be happy. Don't let Empire take over your life, fall in love and settle down" Cookie says and stands up cradling Dylan's head in her hands as her thumbs stroke his cheeks.

"I promise I won't let you all down" Dylan says.

    Dylan walks into Empire after hours, the only light on is the one in the office. He lowers his staff on his desk and looks around the office, he rubs his hands along the chair before pulling the chair out and sitting in it. On the edge of the desk is a bottle of scotch, he opens it and pours himself half a glass before raising it up to the air.

"To the Empire" he says and drowns the liquid down his throat.

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