You're Hakeem's girlfriend and am nervous about meeting Cookie

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For Wolfiebearforever

   Hakeem is sitting in his girlfriend's room on her bed, she has gone through her entire closet looking for something to wear. His family is having dinner at his dad's house and they have been in a secret relationship for almost three months.

"Babe come on we are going to be late and you don't have to dress fancy for my family" Hakeem says.

"Do you know who your parents are" she asks stopping to look at him as she sits on her knees.

"Yes which is why I know that my family is going to love you just like I love you" Hakeem says.

      Kellie looks at him and sighs before standing off the floor and walking over standing in between his legs and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You are too good to me" she says.

     Hakeem smiles and pecks her lips before pushing her back gently.

"Go put on that black romper thing and your sandals" Hakeem says tapping her thigh gently.

     At Luscious house, Hakeem and Kellie walk in hand in hand and is greeted by the maid.

"Hello Hakeem. Your family is in the dining room" she says.

"Thank you" Hakeem says.

"Is this your girlfriend I have so much about? She is gorgeous" the housekeeper says beaming at Kellie.

"Thank you ma'am" Kellie says as her stomach calms down somewhat.

"Lets go see my family baby" Hakeem says and leads her into the dining room where his family is sitting at the table.

"Hey Hakeem" Jamal says.

"Hey you guys" Hakeem says and pulls his chair out for Kellie who sits down before he sits beside her.

"Who is this young lady" Cookie asks?

"Ma meet Kellie my girlfriend. Kells meet my ma Cookie, my father Luscious. My older brothers Andre and Jamal" Hakeem says.

"It's nice to meet all of you. Especially you Cookie" Kellie says.

"Why me" Cookie asks?

"You are the alpha female of this family. You are the glue that holds this family together, it is mandatory that I get along with you" Kellie says.

"Girl please I am just like any other mother. I want my boys to have the life that I couldn't. They are my world" Cookie says beaming at her sons and reaches stroking Jamal's face and squeezing Andre's hand, she reaches across the table and does the same to Hakeem.

"Can we eat please" Luscious asks?

"Oh yes we must feed the beast" Cookie teases.

"This beast gave you three children" Luscious states back.

"Along with suffering and pain. How wonderful" she says sarcastically.

        While eating dinner, Kellie is laughing at something Andre says and she feels her stomach muscles relax and ease out the nerves.

"So Kellie baby. What is it that you do" Cookie asks?

"I'm still currently in college but I want to be in the medical field" Kellie says.

"This family will need a doctor. We sometimes seem to be sick" Cookie says raising her glass to her lips and taking a sip.

"Family" Kellie asks?

"Oh yes honey once you come to dinner here you aren't allowed to leave. I always wanted a second daughter, you two will have pretty babies" Cookie says and Hakeem tenses up before choking on his piece of chicken.

"Ma you are moving kind of fast" Hakeem says.

"Baby it's fine really. I always wanted a family" Kellie says.

"See it's fine. Hakeem she is a keeper" Cookie says.

     Andre and Jamal share a look before they burst out laughing while Cookie look at them laughing.

"What is so funny that you two are ha ha ha about" Cookie asks?

"Nothing ma" Andre says.

"Must I get a broom" Cookie asks?

"No ma'am" Jamal says.

"That's what I thought now finish your dinner" Cookie says.

       When Hakeem and Kellie are getting ready to leave, Cookie brings her into a firm hug and she is surprised but returns the hug.

"Don't ever be scared to come back or call me" Cookie says once she pulls away.

"Thank you Cookie" Kellie says.

"You're welcome honey" Cookie says before Hakeem and Kellie walk out the door.

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