Adopting a Child Part 2

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      Kellie and Hakeem have been Dylan's parents for three months now, they have kept him hidden because they didn't want to announce it and then he gets taken from them. Today, he is strong at seven months old and Hakeem has taken to dressing him like him. They are going to introduce home to the Lyon family, it's chilly right since it is November. Kellie walks up to the door with him a baby carrier strapped to her chest, a blanket tossed over his body while Hakeem has the diaper bag over his shoulder. He opens the door and walks in before being followed by Kellie, they walk into the living room where Luscious is sitting behind the piano.

"Hey Hakeem. Why do you have a diaper bag" Andre asks?

"Oh that for DJ" Hakeem says as he sits in a chair and Cookie walks in the room confused.

     Kellie walks in and tugs the blanket off of DJ, she hands it to Hakeem before slipping DJ out of the baby carrier. His green eyes are alert as they look around the room, she hands DJ to Hakeem as she takes off the carrier.

"Who baby is that" Cookie asks?

"Our son" Hakeem says.

"You were pregnant" Andre asks?

"No I found him in a bush outside of the hospital and we adopted him" Kellie says sitting beside Hakeem who sets DJ down, at seven months he is physically strong. He leans back on Hakeem's legs for support before sliding down on his butt.

      Cookie hesitantly bends down in front of DJ, she reaches out and his green eyes follows her hand. His small hand wraps around her finger and smiles up at her, she beams down at him while using her other hand to stroke his curls and smile at him.

"He is adorable" she says.

"His name is Dylan Jameson Lyon" Kellie says.

"Cookie Monster hand me my grandson" Luscious says.

"No I'm playing with him right now" Cookie says.

"Mom let me me see him" Jamal says.

"No he is my baby" Cookie says and picks up Dylan who laughs as he sees his uncles and grandfather try to get him.

"Ma you have to share" Andre says.

"No I don't" Cookie says and walks around the couch and laughing as Dylan tugs on her necklace around her neck.

"Ma don't run around too much..we just-

"Oh he didn't" Cookie growls.

      She turns around and Luscious laughs as he sees yellow mashed up food on her baby blue house, Jamal stifles his laugh behind his hand while Andre just laughs openly.

"Hakeem come get your child" she states holding him out farther away from her as he cries.

     Hakeem walks over and picks up his son in his arms as Kellie hands Cookie a wet towel.

"I tried to warn you" Hakeem says.

"Shut up boy! What did he spit up on me" Cookie asks wiping off her shirt.

"Bananas" Kellie says.

"He is lucky he is cute" Cookie says as Hakeem rocks DJ until he stops fussing and once he does, Luscious takes him out his arms and his hugs him against his chest.

"Hello Dylan. Welcome to this crazy Lyon family. We are going to take this world by storm" Luscious states affectionately before dropping a kiss to his head. Dylan's coos at the affection and smiles, Cookie nudges Kellie and nods at Luscious who is showing affection to Dylan.

"Maybe Dylan will end this cycle that is Luscious Lyon" Andre says and looks up to see Luscious has Dylan sitting on his shoulders.

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