You're Luscious Sister and Comes Home

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For WolfieBearForever

           Kellie walks into Empire in all white with a black trench coat over her shoulders, freshly showered and hair done after spending seventeen years locked up in a rotten, smelly cell in that ugly jumpsuit. Looking up she sees multiple glass windows before spotting Luscious standing up and talking, stalking over to the glass doors she goes to yank it open when a big, security guard in all black grabs her arm.

"Get your big ass hand off of me you fake ass rent a cop" she says slapping at his arm.

"Ma'am. You are not allowed in here" he says.

"Not allowed? Luscious! Luscious! Don't make me use your full name. Luscious I know you hear me" Kellie exclaims as the security guard goes to pick her up and escort her out of the room.

"Hey. Hey put her down" she hears and turns her head to see Luscious and Cookie standing in the doorway behind her.

"Hello brother" she says crossing her arms looking at him.

    Kellie, Cookie and Luscious are sitting in Luscious's office; well Cookie and Luscious are while she is just sitting on his couch with her legs crossed and a handful of peanuts in her hands.

"When did you get out? I would have had a driver come get you" Luscious says.

"Don't act like you care Luscious. I did seventeen years for your ungrateful ass to make sure you followed your dreams and you forgot about me two years in. I wants what's mine" Kellie says.

"What's yours" Cookie asks?

"Yes Cookie. What's mine unless you want me to tell everyone how this company was built on drug money, lies and murders" Kellie threatens popping some peanuts in her mouth.

"You're not dumb enough to do that" Luscious says leaning back in his chair.

"Oh I'm not" she says and nods getting off the chair, she slowly stalks over to Luscious and leans down closely so he can hear her.

"Listen Dwight. You may have Cookie fooled and all of these executives and what not. But I am not that same sixteen year old I was years ago, I'm not scared of you and don't listen to your every whim. I know deeper secrets that will destroy you permanently, mentally and physically. Remember it was me who took that hit for you dumbass. Love you big bro" she says and presses a hard kiss against his head before standing up and smiling devilishly at Cookie.

"Goodbye Cookie and next time I come in here
I expect my office key" she says before slowly walking over leaving a trail of peanuts in her wake.

"What did she say to you Luscious" Cookie asks?

"She wants to play. Let's play" he says looking at the door where his sister left out of of.

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