How you make up

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     Y/N has been staying at her boutique late since her argument with Dre, it has been almost three days and she leaves at eight in the morning and gets home around ten pm. She climbs right into bed without dinner and goes to sleep, Andre is noticing how the late nights are taking a toll on her and he misses his wife too much. He has been sleeping in the guest room for days now, Y/N is working another late night today so he has stopped working and is now standing outside her boutique with take out in his hand.

      Knocking on the glass door, he sees Y/N look up from behind the desk through the side window and blinds;thankful she is in a safe neighborhood. She looks at him before walking over and opening the door for him halfway.

"We're closed" Y/N states.

"Come on it's cold" Andre says.

     Y/N sighs and opens the door letting him in, she closes it behind him and locks it before walking past him and behind her desk sorting through the papers.

"I bought dinner" Andre says.

"I'm not hungry" Y/N mutters.

"Come on Y/N, it's been three days. How long are you going to punish me" he asks?

"I am just doing what you wanted" you reply turning her head to look him in the eyes.

"You think I want my wife working over twelve hours a day? You think I want my wife missing dinner" Andre asks walking around the desk as you avoid his face, trying to hold your grudge.

"You know what you said" Y/N states.

"Yes and I am sorry. I am not going another day, seeing you come in at ten half asleep and so tired that you miss dinner" Andre says reaching forward wrapping his arms around her back.

"Didn't think you cared" Y/N mutters.

"I have always cared. I am sorry I lashed out on you" he says resting his forehead on hers.

"I shouldn't have walked out and been so harsh, work is important to you" Y/N whispers.

"You're important to me to. You are my wife and my anchor" Andre says pressing his lips against yours.

"Come on what you bring, I am starving" Y/N said breaking the kiss and grabbing the brown bag of take out food.

"There's my baby" Andre says as she brings out some orange chicken.

      Y/N is walking up the stairs to her apartment when she sees Jamal on the steps, she has been ignoring for him almost a week now. Obviously he didn't get the message that you don't want to be bothered right now.

"Why haven't you returned my calls" he asks?

"I've been busy" Y/N replies walking up the steps to go around him when he grasps her hand preventing her from going in the apartment.

"Busy doing what" he asks?

"Work" Y/N almost whines.

"You're still mad about the other night at dinner" he says.

"I really don't care at this point Jamal. Your music is your first priority after your family and I will not stand in the way of that" Y/N says fishing in her coat pocket and pulling out her keys to get in the door. Jamal reaches forward grasping them out of your hands and into his back pocket.

"You are my priority too, I may not show it but I do love you. I'm just not good at this relationship stuff, I mean my last relationship I got cheated on" Jamal says.

"So music is your way to avoid getting hurt" Y/N ask him?

"It may sound stupid but yeah. I just know I don't want to lose you in the process" he says stepping one step higher so he is towering over you.

"It's not stupid Jamal. I would never hurt you like that, you mean too much to me. I just want you to make time for us" Y/N says wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I finished my album so we are going to Wisconsin for the weekend, just us alone in a cabin for three days" Jamal says swaying you side to side.

"Mhm I like that idea" Y/N hums as Jamal reaches behind them and opens the apartment door.

"How about I help you pack" he suggests?

"Later, it's been six days and we have a lot of catching up to do" Y/N say closing the door with your foot followed by the sound of a body being pressed against the wall.


      Y/N was told by Cookie to be at Lyon Dynasty at five pm, here she is after two days since walking off set. She pauses when she sees champagne sitting in a bucket of ice and a single red rose sitting by it, picking it up she looks around when Hakeem walks out of the office and the smile drops from her face.

"What is this Hakeem" she asks?

"It's my way of apologizing. You accept my apology" he asks coming to stand in front of you.

"For what ignoring my feelings or being an ass" Y/N asks with sass.

"Both. Look babe I did all of this to show you that I'm committed to us" Hakeem says taking your friend hand in his.

"Champagne, red rose and an apology is your commitment" you ask?

"No, that's not all" he says leading you further in the back where the office is and opening the door. He pushes it open and there is a big teddy bear with a red bow sitting on the desk with a black box in front of it.

       Hakeem moves and picks up the small box before holding it out to you, hesitant at first you grab the box and open it seeing a crest ring with an L crest on it.

"This ring is my promise to make you a Lyon one day" Hakeem says and takes it out of the boss looking at you, waiting for you to deny or accept it.

"You're lucky I love you" you say and Hakeem smiles slipping the ring on your finger before you grab his head and smash your lips together.

"Mrs. Hakeem Lyon sounds good" he whispers after breaking away from the kiss making you giggle.

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