Angry Sex (Jamal)

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       For @thatcutegirl2393
Jamal is fuming as he storms into his condo, he tosses his jacket over the chair. Y/N walks out of the bedroom after hearing the door slam shut, only wearing one of Jama'a shirts that goes past her knees.

"Baby what's wrong" she asks?

      Jamal head snaps up and looks at her, his eyes darken from brown to almost black as he slowly approaches her. She takes steps back until her back hits the wall and Jamal pins her body between hers and the wall, his hand comes up gently wrapping it around his neck while his thumb presses firmly against her jugular.

"Jamal you're scaring me" she whimpers.

"Don't talk" he mumbles and crash his lips on hers, so hard and fast it takes her breath away slightly. His free hand moves down to his belt and unbuckles it, Y/N pants and moves her hands up to his shirt unbuttoning it. Their bodies moving as one; as his hands grips one of her legs and puts it around his waist.

"Move it and you'll be punished" he states darkly before reaching underneath her shirt and tearing her underwear off and tossing them aside before rolling his hips and entering her in one hard thrust.

           Y/N screams and tosses her head back against the wall, her body shuddering as she grips his shoulders and pushes herself up and closing her eyes. Jamal is always a sweet, gentle lover so for him to not care about preparation or slowly entering her someone must have made him mad.

"Fuck" he groans hiding his face in her neck as he grips her hips and pulls them down on him repeatedly, Y/N eyes roll in the back of her head as she presses her hand against his bare chest and curling her nails in so they leave crescent shaped marks in his pectoral. Jamal pace picks up before he hooks her other leg around his back and carrying her over to their bedroom.

       He sits at the foot of the bed and allows Y/N to ride him, she circles her hips at a rough pace. Her hands squeezing his shoulders, her lips slightly parted as soft pants and moans escape them.

"Mhm fuck Y/N go faster" Jamal says bringing his hand to her backside making her whimper at the stinging sensation.

"Jamal it's too much" Y/N pants.

"You can handle it" he says and starts moving her hips with his hands making her scream as he brushes against her uterus, she usually can take all of him but not when he is mad.

          The heat pools at the bottom of her stomach and her moans come more frequently, she tries to warn Jamal that she is close but words can't form on her lips. Y/N head drops so her forehead is pressed against his, Jamal hand grips the back of her neck as he groans and starts thrusting up faster and harder.

"Jamal..Mal" Y/N warns before she is met with intense pleasure and she nearly falls backwards as her climax makes her limbless and weak.

        Jamal feeling his hit him right after, he catches her back with one arm while the other grips her hip tightly which will leave a bruise as his hips stutter and he bites his bottom lip. Once his release is over, Jamal rolls them over so Y/N is on bottom. Her eyes are close and she sighs contently, all the anger leaves his body as he strokes her hair and she nuzzles against his hand.

"Mhm are you still mad" she mumbles placing her hand on his chest.

"Nah I'm good" he says and nestles her neck.

"Glad I could be assistance" Y/N replies and Jamal laughs as how corny she is, he raises his head and presses his lips against hers more sweetly.

        Jamal manages to remove his shirt and pants without slipping out of her, he raises Y/N arms above the bed and takes his shirt off of her and tossing it behind her before bracing himself on his hands and pushing up on his knees to get to the center of the end. Y/N eyes fly open as she lets out a broken moan and grips the back of Jamal's hair as his body rocks her up on the bed also, he lowers his body completely on hers.

"Lets go again" he says and Y/N just reaches her head up and kisses him softly as he starts rolling his hips.

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