His ex comes back into the picture(Andre)

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    Andre's ex wife Rhonda has came back in the picture two years into your marriage, they got divorced a few months after their baby died. She couldn't handle the pain and grief, Y/N was there to take Andre in and heal him. Y/N walks into Andre's office on her lunch break, hoping to have some time alone with him. But she is shocked to see him hugging his ex-wife too close for comfort, Y/N clears her throat and they break apart looking at her.

"Oh sorry Rhonda meet my wife Y/N" Andre says.

"Hello it's nice to meet you" Rhonda says.

"Sure it is" Y/N says and walks over to them standing at Andre's side, she interlocks her hand with his but he tenses up and cross his arms leaving her bewildered.

"Well Andre I have to go. It was amazing catching up with you" Rhonda says picking up her purse.

"You too Rhonda" Andre says smiling at her like he doesn't see Y/N in here.

       Rhonda walks out and Y/N turns to face her husband well more like glaring at him.

"You were very rude" Andre says.

"Me? No why was she here" Y/N asks?

"She was in town for fashion week and wanted to talk" Andre says.

"They have cellphones and public places for a reason" you mutter.

"Come on seriously don't do this" Andre says.

"I am not doing anything" Y/N states back.

"You are playing the insecure, jealous wife" Andre bites back.

"Wow Andre really. Alright it's fine, go hang out with your ex-wife, your ex-girlfriend I don't care" Y/N says and turns to walk out.

"Where are you going" Andre asks?

"To go have lunch with a guy who notices me and will show me respect" Y/N says when she hears heavy footsteps behind her and Andre hand slams the door shut and locks it before turning her around to face him.

"You better not be talking about that guy from work" he snarls.

"His name is Lucas and yes I am" Y/N replies.

"I told you I didn't want you near him" Andre says through gritted teeth.

"Yes and I didn't want you near Rhonda but we can't always get what we want" Y/N replies furthering making him mad as his brown eyes darken.

"Y/N M/N Lyon" he snarls with authority.

"Andre Lyon" you state back crossing your arms.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Rhonda is my past. I will always love and respect her but I am in love with you" Andre says rubbing the brink of his nose.

"Yeah so you avoiding holding my hand was love" she says sarcastically.

"God I hate when you do this. I hate when you plant doubts about my love in your mind" he growls.

"Because I'm fucking insecure and can't compete with her. She has degrees I don't have, she was pregnant with your baby which I am not" Y/N yells when Andre yanks her into a deep, mind blowing kiss that makes her stumble back a little. His arms wrap around her waist and pulls her closer against him, Y/N arms lock around his neck.

       Andre barely used any strength and picks up her with his arm under her butt and walks her over placing her on his desk; he breaks away from the kiss and she is looking at him through glazed eyes.

"Damn" she whispers making him chuckle, he has the effect to make her lose her train of thought completely.

"I love you. If I have to tell you everyday then so be it" Andre says.

"Wait back up. Twenty feet, you being this close while I'm trying to be mad at you is overriding my senses. I need you to get out of my personal bubble" she says placing her hand on his chest only for him to place his hand over her and move in closer against her so he is standing in between her legs.

"You're so cute" he says and you glare at him before he kisses you again, what the hell the argument was dumb anyway and you have only thirty minutes left of your lunch break. Enough time to give in to your sexual desires with your husband.

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