He reacts badly to you being pregnant part 2

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    Y/N has been spending most of her nights either at Cookie's or at her sister's house, doctors have confirmed that she is two and a half months pregnant. Obviously gotten pregnant on their honeymoon, she is currently strolling through Babies R Us. Already she is in love with the unborn life that rests inside of her stomach, looking up as she feels eyes on her she sees Andre a few feet away from her.

       She walks away from him and goes over to the boy aisle, a large hand reaches past her picking up a bodysuit that says Daddy's Little Monster.

"I like this one" Andre says.

      Y/N turns around to face him and glares at him.

"What do you want" she snarls.

"My wife and baby back at home" he says.

"No you gave that up three days ago" she says.

"I overreacted but I do want this baby with you" Andre says.

"You don't mean that. Just please let me be happy, I want this baby. I will make a damn good mom" Y/N states as she feels her voice croak with tears.

"I know you will. But I won't be able to live with myself if knowing that my pregnant wife is going through this alone" Andre says.

"So it's about your conscience not the baby or me" Y/N whispered dropping her head.

"No it's about all three of us. I want this baby and I want him or her without you. Just let me prove it" Andre says.

        Y/N looks down before looking back up at her husband.

"I was thinking the nursery can be a God and Goddess theme" she states.

"I love it" Andre says pressing his lips against hers while his hand drops down to her stomach, he can feel the difference in her already and smiles.

     It has been six months since Y/N walked out of the studio and Jamal hasn't seen her since, he did the math and when she told him she was pregnant it was three months after they slept together. And he remembers her saying something about this being the first time she slept with a man she met at a club.

         He is sitting outside on the porch on a red, brick house her got from her old landlord; supposedly she moved here two months ago. He looks up when he sees a four door Toyota Camry pull up in the driveway, he watches as Y/N climbs out and is shocked to see how much she has changed in six months. Her hips have gotten fuller and so have her breasts, it is cooler outside at sixty five degrees so she is wearing fur boots with a black trench coat and gloves.

       She doesn't see him as she turns and opens the back door pulling out a white car seat and pink diaper bag, after kicking the door close she makes her way towards the porch and freezes when she sees him.

"Excuse me" she says and he stands up letting her pass.

        She sets the car seat on the ground before pulling her keys out and unlocking the door before walking in, she goes to pick up the car seat but Jamal already has it in his hand and is walking in the house behind her. She motions him into her living room and he sets the car seat on the table, he tugs the blanket from covering the baby's face and is taken back by how beautiful this little girl is. Also at how identical she looked to him as a baby.

"What's her name" he asks as he sees the baby yawn and stretching her little arms.

"Jia Rose Lyon" Y/N responds.

"You gave her my name" Jamal asks looking up as she walks in the living room and picks up Jia in her arms with a bottle in her hand.

"May I" Jamal asks, Y/N gently places her newborn in his arms and handing him the bottle as he sits on the couch and feeds her.

"How old is she" Jamal asks?

"One month, she was born a month early at seven pounds and three ounces. No wonder I got as big as I did" Y/N replies sitting beside Jamal.

"Why didn't you call me when you were in labor" he asks?

"Because supposedly she isn't yours. I won't force anyone to be here for me or my little princess" Y/N replies gently stroking her daughters face.

"Y/N there is no doubt that she is my daughter. I want to help you raise her" Jamal says.

"I have no problem with shared custody or doing it all on my own" Y/N replies.

"I want you both to meet my family" Jamal says.

"Not today. I'm tired and need a nap" Y/N replies.

"Alright you take a nap, I got our little girl" Jamal says.

      Y/N is skeptical at first before standing up and making her way upstairs.

      Y/N is sitting in the park eating ice cream as she watches fathers and mothers laugh and play with their children, she rests her hand on her stomach and smiles sadly.

"If only your daddy was happy" Y/N whispers.

"Daddy is happy" she hears and turns around to see Hakeem standing beside her.

"What are you doing here" Y/N asks?

"My pregnant girlfriend is walking around thinking I want her to kill or give up our baby" Hakeem says.

"Well that's not my fault" she replies as he sits beside her on the bench.

      Y/N goes back to staring at the little children when she feels a hand slide across her stomach making her tense at first before she relaxes.

"I hope it's a boy. This way we can name him Prince" Hakeem says.

"We are not naming our son that" Y/N replies.

"I'm sorry about how I reacted" Hakeem says.

"You really want this baby" she asks?

"Yes and the next two ones we have" Hakeem says.

"Ha. I am not having two more kids" Y/N says.

"It's ok we'll work on twins this way you only pregnant one more time instead of two, see I'm thinking about you" Hakeem say and she can't help but laugh at that.

"Not happening either" she says.

"You have to compromise but no more babies for three years" Hakeem says.

"Deal" Y/N says and Hakeem leans over pressing his lips against hers.

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