I Still Get Jealous (Hakeem)

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    Trish was pacing back and forth glancing at the clock on the wall, it is two am and Hakeem still isn't home. Now she is usually patient and lets Hakeem have his space but this is the third night in the row, yeah that ain't riding with her. She picks up her phone off the counter not seeing any missed calls or texts from him when she gets a notification from Snapchat, she opens it and sees her friend sent her friend sent her a video from Hakeem's snapchat. It's about an hour ago, he is sitting in a club lounge and there is a female grinding on him while his hand is flat on her bare back.

"This boy got me 50 shades of fucked up" Trish says when she hears the front door open, picking up her phone she walks into the living room to see Hakeem kicking off his shoes.

"Oh hello. Welcome home" she says tilting her head.

"Man don't start this shit" Hakeem states rubbing his temple as he sits on the couch.

"Oh don't start? Let's see you have come home three times after one am. And then I see this snapchat of some bitch grinding on you. Hakeem you testing me" Trish states.

"And you are making my head hurt. Damn ain't like I kissed her or took her to the back room" he says.

"Oh hell no. My name is Homey and I don't play that. Hakeem I will leave you. I'm not playing all I ask is for you to respect me and this relationship" she growls.

"I do respect this relationship but you getting on my damn nerves" Hakeem says standing up and striping out of his jacket.

"Then leave Hakeem. I'm not about to force no man to be with me. I got a line of guys who would love to be with a woman like me but I'm staying with your ass" Trisha states making her way towards the stairs to their bedroom.

     Once she steps into the bedroom is she pushed up against the wall and Hakeem is standing in front of her with his irises dark and angry.

"I wish you would talk to another dude. Watch him come up missing" Hakeem threatens.

"You're not Luscious, Andre or Jamal. So get out of my face with that" she says placing her hands on his chest to push him away.

      Hakeem grabs her wrists in one hand and pins them above her head, Trish looks at him a little shocked by this strength.

"Say that shit one more time" Hakeem snarls in her face, both of their chests rising and falling as they stare at each other.

         Trish eyes drop down to Hakeem's lips before coming back to his eyes, Hakeem lips crash down on Trish's. His hands keeping her pinned against the wall while his other hand grips her hips a little too hard that will leave a bruise but she doesn't care at this moment, right now they are taking their frustrations out on each other. His hand hand slides down her chest resting on her stomach as she arches up against his touch.

      Hakeem pulls away from her leaving her panting, he peels his shirt off from over his head. Trish eyes him angrily as she steps out of her pajama shorts before walking over to Hakeem and pushing him on his back, climbing over him she straddles his waist and crashing her lips over his. Hakeem hands come up resting on her hips to push them down, he rolls them over so he is on top before leaning his head down and biting down harshly on her neck making her whimper as she grips his hair.

       Hakeem hands slide down gripping her thighs harshly that will surely leave marks as he makes his way down her body, Hakeem roughly grabs her underwear and pulls them aside before entering her in one thrust.

"Hakeem" Trish yells sliding her nails in his back, her eyes roll back in her head.

      His hips never stutter as he keeps the fast brutal pace, he drops his lower half completely more as she cries out and presses her free hand against the headboard

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      His hips never stutter as he keeps the fast brutal pace, he drops his lower half completely more as she cries out and presses her free hand against the headboard.

"You're mine. Everything on you is mine" Hakeem growls biting down on her neck, Trish body rocks with each thrust before she opens her eyes and looks him in the eyes. Their lips barely an inch apart as they gasp and pant against each other.

"I'm yours Hakeem" she cries out raising her hand and gripping the back of his neck

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"I'm yours Hakeem" she cries out raising her hand and gripping the back of his neck.

"Shit Trish. I'm not going to last much longer" Hakeem says.

"Please" Trish whimpers, Hakeem slows down slightly before picking up the pace.

       Trish body convulses as she lets out an dry moan and squeezes his shoulder harshly, Hakeem digs his fingers into her hips as he holds her tighter against him before he roll off and onto his side away from her.

      The next morning, Trish wakes up to see Hakeem lying on his stomach watching her.

"Baby you know I love you right" he asks?

"Sure" she says sarcastically.

"I'm forreal. I take pictures and pose with my fans and these groupies but I come home to you. You're the woman I love not them" he says gently stroking her cheek making her look down and blush a little.

"I don't think I can move my legs" Trish announces and Hakeem laughs before leaning over kissing her softly, her hand reaches up grabbing his head as he rests his hand on her hip.

"I don't think I can move my legs" Trish announces and Hakeem laughs before leaning over kissing her softly, her hand reaches up grabbing his head as he rests his hand on her hip

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"I'll take that as I'm forgiven" Hakeem says laughing followed by the joyous sound of Trish's giggle.

"Love you" he says pulling apart looking her in the eyes.

"I love you too" she says back before pulling him back into  a sweet, soothing kiss.

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