You Cheat Part 1 (Andre)

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(A/N This chapter has a sex scene, just to be forewarned)

Y/N head drops to her bare feet as tears stream down her cheeks, Andre's face red as anger and betrayal. He has found out about Y/N cheating today by photos sent by Lucious.

"I ended it weeks ago" Y/N voice croaks raising her head to look at him.

"So that makes it better? I told you that I have been cheated on before and you do this" he yells slamming his fist beside the wall by her head, she flinches and presses farther against the door of their- Andre's bedroom.

"I'm sorry and I know you can't forgive me" she says.

"You're right I can't" Andre says, Y/N slips from under him and walks over to the closet grabbing her duffel bag and her combat boots. She doesn't have any family in New York so she will just stay at a hotel room until she can get a flight back to her hometown tomorrow.

         As she is forcing her clothes in her duffel bag, her hands tremble and she reaches up wiping off her cheeks. She deserves to feel this pain for all of the pain that she has caused Jamal, a hand grasps her arm pulling her up and she stumbles against Dre's chest when his hands come up gripping her face and bringing her into a teeth clattering kiss. There is no passion or love in this kiss, just anger and pain.

        He turns her around and walks them back towards the bed, his hands roughly gripping her waist which she is sure will leave a bruise. When his head drops down and he bites down on the tender flesh of her neck she cries out but goes silent when he glares at her, his eyes black as night. Her hands come up to rest on his shoulders hoping to calm him down, she is a lot taller than him and he is stronger.

"Take off my shirt" he demands harshly stepping away from her.

          You nod as the stinging in your neck brings tears to your eyes, reaching up you pull his shirt from being tucked in his pants and unbuttons his shirt. You lift your head up and looks him in the eyes as you push the shirt off of his shoulders and let it drop to the floor, running your hands down his bare chest you stop at his belt and unbuckled it when Andre grabs your hands stilling your movement and pushes them down on the bed taking you with it.

         He climbs over you and latches on to the bruise forming on your neck again as tears blur your vision, Andre has never been this aggressive and angry with you before and you aren't used to it.

"What was his name" Andre asks alternating sides of your neck as you struggle against his attacks but his weigh keeps you down.

"Andre please" you whimper.

"What was it" he growls?

"Derek" you mutter.

"Did he know that you were my fiancée" he asks?

"You proposed to me after I ended it and I haven't seen him since" you say trying to make him believe you.

"Doesn't change the fact that you cheated and lied to me" Andre says and let's go of your hands, he tugs up your dress to rest above her hips before ripping the lace boy shorts off her her body.

"Andre baby wait" you plead as you hear his belt jingle and his zipper being undone.

            He tugs your legs on either side of him and leans down pressing your knees up higher to your stomach, your small hands come up to rest on his face and let him look in your eyes.

"I am truly sorry that I hurt you. If I could take it back I would, it wasn't right and should have never happened. Give me a second chance to prove it" you beg, it looks like he is going to forgive you as his eyes soften and his eyes close.

        But that is not the case when he swiftly forces his hips up and enters you in one movement, not giving you time to adjust as your back arches off the bed and your hand drops down to his back and digs her nails in his skin. He is relentless in his thrust, each one rocking your body farther on the bed until your head almost bangs into the headboard.

"Fuck, Dre. Please slow down" you whimper as he continues taking his frustrations out on you.

     Ten minutes later and you are on your knees with your head buried in a pillow and your hands gripping the sheets underneath you, Andre hands on his hips as he controls your hips movement. Tears in your eyes as pain mixes in with the pleasure and soreness of his erratic thrusts, he lets go of your hips and rests his hands rest under her stomach supporting his weight.

       Andre has heard your pleas and cries but his anger and hurt has him blinded to get out his feelings, his stomach tightens so he speeds up his muscles as your muscles contracts.

"Oh god" you scream throwing your head up and reaching back with one hand to push at his stomach, it's too much for you to take.

       With one last thrust, Andre let's out a loud growl and rests his head on her back as your toss your head to the side and slump forward. After cleaning both of you up, he pulls on a pair of sweatpants and turns to face you as you curled into a ball with a thin blanket over your body.

"You can stay here until you find somewhere else to stay, but we are done" Andre says and walks out of the room as you cry yourself to sleep.

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