He reacts badly to you being pregnant

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You tell him that you're pregnant and he reacts badly

      Y/N is pacing the women's bathroom in Empire back and forth, her stomach twisting in nerves. On the sink rests a white stick with a little, pink plus sign; she and Andre just got married not even two months ago and now she is pregnant. They have never talked about kids in the two years they have been together, a knock at the door pulls her away from her thoughts.

"Babe it's me open the door" Andre says.

       The nerves in her stomach chills her skin before she turns and bends over the stomach as her lunch comes up, once she is done she rinses out her mouth and clean up as she hears him banging on the door again. She sticks a piece of gum in her mouth and hides the test in the back of her jeans before opening the door and letting him in. He walks in and closes the door behind him.

"What wrong? Becky said you looked sick before you ran off" Andre says.

"Alright what I'm about to tell you please don't get mad. I don't think my nerves can handle it" she says.

"Babe you're scaring me" he says.

"It's nothing bad. Well I don't think it is" Y/N says.

"Babe just tell me" Andre says.

"I'm pregnant" she blurts out and presses her hands together before holding them against her lips.

"Y/N are you serious. I haven't thought about kids since my son died and then right now while we are fighting the cops" Andre groans running his hands over his head.

"Hey it takes two to make a baby Andre, you weren't complaining when we were creating it" Y/N growls.

"Did you not hear me. I can't have the stress of a child also with this Empire mess" Andre barks.

"Wow so my baby is a stressor for you. Wow Andre-I can't believe you right now" she states and pushes his chest before pulling the door open and storming out.

     Y/N is standing inside the studio while Jamal is in the booth recording a new song, her hands in her pockets when he notices her.

"Aye can you give us a minute" he says taking off the earphones and walking out of the booth as the producer nods and walks out.

        Jamal leans against the edge of the sound system and crosses his arms.

"I thought we agreed you would not come to my job" he says.

"Yeah well that was before" Y/N replies.

"Before what" Jamal asks?

"I found out that I am pregnant with your baby" she replies.

"You can't be serious. It was one time" Jamal says.

"Obviously it only took that one time. Yes we were both drunk and protection was out of the window" she says.

"How do I even know its mine" he asks?

"Oh hell no. Jamal I don't just go around sleeping with random guys, rather you believe me or not. This baby is yours" you growl.

"So you won't mind having a blood test" Jamal says.

"There is no need for you. I will not be treated like a whore, I deserve respect. I will raise my damn child on my own" Y/N snaps and turns around stalking out of the studio slamming the door shut behind her.

       Y/N is sitting in Hakeem's studio on his pool table, he just came back from dropping his daughter off back home to Anika.

"Hakeem I'm pregnant" she blurts out while he is taking off his jacket.

"Are you serious" he asks?

"Yes I have an appointment Monday" she says.

"Alright I know we don't use protection but I always thought you were on the shot" Hakeem says.

"It was the pill" Y/N says climbing off the pool table.

"It doesn't matter. My daughter just turned one and now you want to bring another child in this already fucked up family" he snarls tossing his watch on the pool table.

"Fine Hakeem. How about abortion or adoption? Huh will that make you feel better, if I kill my baby or give it up" Y/n yells.

"That's not what I meant" Hakeem states seeing tears fill her eyes.

"Honestly Hakeem, do whatever you want. It's obviously I'm not a priority to you or you just don't care" Y/N states and walks into the bedroom closing the door behind her.

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