The Lyon Daughter

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     The Lyon family was at Luscious house currently awaiting the arrival of Kelly, no one knows about the fourth Lyon sibling and the only girl.

"Cookie stop bouncing around and sit down" Luscious barks.

"Shut up grandpa" Cookie snarls at him as she paces back and forth in the living room.

"Mom seriously sit down I'm sure everything will be fine" Jamal says.

"I can't wait to see her. I miss bugging her" Hakeem states sitting down beside Andre.

      There is a knock at the door and Luscious head picks up, his palms are sweaty as he awaits the arrival of his baby girl. Juanita walks over opening the door and they hear a soft feminine voice.

"Oh this how we living now" and Hakeem can't help but laugh.

         Everyone stands up as Kelly walks in from outside the hallway, she is in a black trench coat with black knee high boots. She is the same age as Andre but looks like she can be Hakeem's age, unbuttoning her jacket as she walks over to Cookie who towers over her because of how tiny she is.

"Hey mama" Kelly says and Cookie strong demeanor breaks as she lets out a cry and wraps her arms around her baby girl.

"Hey baby. Welcome home" Cookie announces.

        Kelly makes her way around punching Andre lightly in the arm, kissing Jamal on the cheek and rubbing Hakeem on the head before she stops in front of the man who raised her. Luscious stares at his daughter with his glass in his hand, Kelly is speechless as he holds it out to her. She grabs the glass and drowns the remaining liquid before setting it down on the table beside her.

"Welcome home baby girl" Luscious says.

"Thank you Daddy" she says as he pulls her into a tight hug, Kelly is the only girl other than Cookie who ever actually held his heart. The day she and Andre was born and he held her, he promised to always protect her no matter the cost. So when she was twenty and his enemies showed interest in her, he sent her away to a boarding school before they moved to New York.

        At dinner, Kelly is sitting between Hakeem and Andre and across from Jamal.

"Luscious I need to talk to you" they hear and look up from their laughter to see Anika walk in with Bella in her arms.

"Um. Who is she" Kelly asks pointing at fork at Anika.

"That's my wife Anika and your niece Bella" Luscious explains.

"Oh right Hakeem baby mama turned stepmom. Dad you really need to get a better hobby" Kelly says.

"Who are you exactly" Anika asks as Cookie takes Bella into her arms.

"Oh this is my twin sister Kelly Lyon" Andre explains.

"Twin sister? Wait what" Anika asks?

"Is she is as slow as she looks or..." Kelly drags off, Cookie bites back a laugh at how sassy her daughter is:

"Excuse me? Who are you calling slow" Anika asks?

"You little Ms. Homewrecker or should I say mistress, no mistress means he actually cares for you. But we all know that his heart will always belong to me and my mom. You are just a replacement and nothing more so sit down and eat little one" Kelly states firmly.

"Damn Kells" Hakeem states as Anika sits down across from her.

"Sorry was I supposed to be nice" Kelly asks rolling her eyes.

"I see why we don't know about you. You are a very disrespectful little girl" Anika says.

"Listen here side chick. Use that term correctly, watch your tongue before I cut it out for you" Kelly says as her eyes darken.

     Andre goes to rest his hand on her shoulder to calm her down but she lets out a low snarl and he places it away from her.

"Don't talk to me like that" Anika says looking at Luscious to defend her.

       A knife slides past Anika's ear and impales itself in the wall behind her.

"Kelly Tonya Lyon" Cookie exclaims.

"That was a warning because I could have hit you. Now you should know your place. Daddy pass the bread please" Kelly says clearing her voice and fixing her dress.

     Luscious passes her the bowl of rolls and smiles evilly at his daughter, she smirks at him with that famous Lucious Lyon smirk and wink.

"I love you" Luscious mouths to her and Kelly forms a fist and taps it against her chest twice, it's their personal way of saying I love you without the actual words.

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