You're his rebellious daughter (Jamal)

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For wolfiebearforever
Jamal always had a passion for music but that all changed thirteen years ago, an acquaintance of his gave birth to his daughter. She was his rock and solace, the one thing he loved more than anything even music. He made sure his family new that he will never force her into the family business it will be her choice, he named her Neveah Hope Lyon because she is his heaven and hope.

She turned sixteen two months ago, and since then she has taken on this sassy, disobedient persona; similar to Hakeem and Jamal was never once to discipline his daughter using force. They were supposed to go meet at Luscious house for family dinner, she is nearly two hours late.

"Jamal baby I'm sure she is fine" Cookie says as he paces back in forth in the living room.

"She won't be when she comes in" Luscious threatens.

"Dad please just stop" Jamal says with his hand out when Hakeem walks in and pushes Jamal's coat in his hands.

"What's up" Cookie asks?

"Chicken says that Neveah is at the police stations, she got caught shop lifting" Hakeem says.

"See I told you that you spoiled that damn girl! Not believing in force because you believe it was abuse. Well look at her now" Luscious snarls at his middle child. Something clicks in Jamal's head, he knows exactly how he is going to handle this situation. He slips his coat on before motioning his parents over and Hakeem, Andre is somewhere around the house.

Neveah walks out of NYPD and pulls her jacket tighter over her petite frame, she pulls her black beanie over her head and looks out once she sees her father's silver SUV right outside in front of the building. She slowly drags her feet to the car before climbing in, his hands firmly on the steering wheel as he looks ahead.

"Dad before you say anything, I want you to know that it wasn't my fault" she says putting her seatbelt on but he just drives away ignoring her.

Thirty minutes later, they pull up at Luscious's house and he climbs out; Jamal walks around back and grabs a duffel bag before closing the back door and walking up the steps. Neveah follows behind him confused, when they walk in the living room she sees Luscious, Cookie, Andre and Hakeem all sitting there.

"What's going on" she asks looking around before turning to her dad.

"This is your new home Neveah. I'm giving you to my dad" Jamal says tossing her duffel bag at her feet.

"All the clothes that I didn't buy you and your feminine products" he says.

"Dad wait. I'm sorry, just don't let me move in with him" she begs.

"No Neveah I am done! The past two months you have been rude, sassy, ungrateful and downright disrespectful. It's obvious you don't like my rules or the way you live so maybe you will like the way my dad raised us" Jamal states firmly.

"Daddy please" she begs as tears fill her eyes.

Jamal turns his back to her because looking into her eyes will crack the hard front he is trying to keep up, he walks towards the door when he hears her broken sobs.

"Daddy please don't leave me like mom left me. I'm sorry please come back" she whimpers and he turns around instantly and walks back in the living room to see Cookie comforting her.

"Baby it's ok" Cookie whispers.

"Grandma I'm so sorry" she repeats only to be pulled out of Cookie's arms and into the arms of her dad.

"Daddy I'm so sorry" she repeats.

"Baby it's ok. Honey I know you miss your mom, I miss her too. But she lives inside of you, you are a spitting image of her" he coos rubbing her back.

"Can I come home" she whispers.

"Have you learned your lesson? You can't come home just to do this all over again" he says.

"I promise I won't" she says lifting her head up and wiping her eyes.

"Lets go home, Veah" Jamal says picking up her bag and she smiles before waving goodbye to everyone.

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