Adopting a Child

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Part 2 to Being Nervous
Kellie and Hakeem have been together two years now and are engaged, they moved into a two bedroom house in a good neighborhood which is close to the hospital and his family. She is walking out of the hospital as it lightly raining, she pulls her umbrella up and heads towards her car when she hears a soft whimper coming from the bushes. Turning around, she bends down and pushes aside some of the bush to see a baby sitting in a brass basket with a thick blanket over it keeping it dry.

"Oh my gosh" she says softly as she sees the baby's eyes are slightly open.

     She bends down and scoops the baby in her arms, underneath it is a brown folded up paper. She picks it up also before power walking back into the bathroom.

"Kellie what are you doing back" her co-worked Sheryl asks?

"I found this baby outside in the bushes" she says shielding the baby against her chest. She instantly became attached to this baby instantly as soon she laid eyes on him or her.

"Let's get this little one into the pediatric ward" Sheryl says.

       Kellie follows Sheryl into the elevator, she will text Hakeem later.

     After three hours in the pediatric ward, Kellie is allowed to take the baby boy Dylan home. The letter his mother left said he is twelve eeks old, nearly four months with dark green eyes and curly brown hair. They took blood tests and made sure the baby was fine before they released him to Kellie, they called CPP and they want to meet with Hakeem and Kellie tomorrow.

      She makes it home around twelve am and is beyond tired, Dylan is asleep in her arms. She has bags in the car with baby things, a diaper bag over her shoulder. The hallway light comes on and Hakeem comes downstairs shirtless only in sweatpants, he is rubbing his eyes as he sees her.

"Babe are you just getting home" he asks?

"I had to stop and get things for Dylan" she says.

"Who the hell is Dylan" he asks?

"Our son" Kellie says.

"Our what" Hakeem asks?

"Our son. I found him in the bushes outside of the hospital and I just felt connected to him. His name is Dylan and he is two and a half months and is handsome" Kellie sets setting the diaper bag on the living room table before turning to face Hakeem.
       Dylan is resting in a blue blanket with a pacifier in his mouth, his skin the same color as Jamal's.

"Baby maybe we should discuss this" Hakeem says as she sits down on the couch and places Dylan on her knees and removes the blanket from around him. He is wearing a bodysuit with ducks on it and gloves on his little hands and a white hat on his head.

"CCP will be here tomorrow but Hakeem I couldn't just leave this little boy alone in the hospital" Kellie says.

"We don't even have a crib or bed" Hakeem says.

"It's all in the car. I had some employees help me out" Kellie says.

"Alright. Alright then I guess we are parents. Let me see my son" Hakeem says and sits down beside Kellie who slips Dylan into his arms.

"His name is Dylan Jameson Lyon aka DJ" Kellie says and beams down at the new edition to the Lyon family.

"Hello DJ. I'm your daddy" Hakeem whispers and Kellie smiles lying her head on Hakeem's shoulders.

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