You Cheat Part 2

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It has been weeks since Andre has ended the engagement and your relationship, you are still living inside your mansion but you are sleeping in the guestroom. Since you work at Empire as Jamal's Assistant, it's pretty hard not to one into him. But the way he treats you is way worse than you cheating on him, they are having a meeting in the office and you walk over to Jamal handing him his tablet with the information you found on record sales.

"I uploaded recorded sales from the past six months including yours and Hakeem's album so far" you say.

"Thank you" Jamal says smiling at her.

"Be careful Mal, she might backstab you too" Andre mutters but Cookie heard him and clears her throat.

You look up at Andre and his family who are all staring at you, you set down your tablet on the table with a loud thud making everyone look at you.

"I am so sorry but I can't work here anymore, I'm going home" you say and walk out of the glass door.

Everyone watches as you speed walk out of Empire not speaking to anyone.

You have packed all of your bags and have booked a plane ticket back to your hometown, bringing your two bags down the stairs as you take off the house key and set it on the table along with your engagement ring. Just as you walk towards the door, it opens and Andre walks in. His eyes drop to your bags, one in your hand and your duffel bag over your shoulder. Your hair is pulled into a messy bun, you have changed into a red summer dress with black flats.

"Excuse me Mr. Lyon, I'm going to miss my flight" you says and moves to walk around him and out of the door only for him to grab your arm and you flinch away scared of what he may do.

"Where are you going" he asks?

"Home to my parents, they will be surprised to me but I have no other choice" you say.

"What about staying here" he asks?

"Why would I do that? I know that cheated and I hurt you, I have apologized repeatedly every day and still you treat me like I mean nothing. I am broken Andre and staying here will not fix that, this is the best option" you say and twist out of his grip and walks out of the door and into the cool breeze.

You place your bags in the trunk of the SUV, closing it you turn around to see your driver is gone and Andre is in front of you.

"I prayed to God after you left, to see rather I should save this relationship or move on" Andre says.

"What's your answer" you whisper.

"All I know is that I'm here right now and you aren't leaving" Andre says moving closer to you.

"You said some pretty hurtful things to me" you says dropping your head down and Andre hates it, you can't look look him in the eyes for longer than a second.

"Baby I am so sorry. I hate that I made you feel like you deserve any of the harsh, rude things I said and did" Andre says grasping your small hands in his big ones.

"You really want me to stay" you asks raising your head and looking at him.

"Yes" Andre states firmly.

"Fine I'll stay" you says.

Andre tugs your arms forward so they wrap around his back as his goes around your waist, your has rests on his chest as tears fall from your eyes.

"I love you" Andre says.

"I love you too" you say.

Andre raises your head and presses a passionate kiss to your lips, you have been craving his touch and kiss for weeks now. Taking your hand he leads you back into your home and into the living room, he picks something off the table. He then takes your hand and slips your engagement ring back on your finger and smiles at you as he kisses your hand.

"Never take that off again" he says.

"Promise" you says and he pulls you into the couch and wraps his arms around you as you snuggle into his chest.

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