Meeting your nephews

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Part 2 to Being Luscious's sister
     Kellie got an invite to Luscious and Cookie's house for dinner, she decided to dress in a red dress with nude pumps and curled her hair. She walks into the overly large mansion and is met with an older woman.

"Hello Ms. Lyon we have been expecting you" she says.

"Please call me Kellie. I have no affiliation to that name" she says.

"Please follow me ma'am" the maid says politely and leads her into what she assumes is their dining room with a piano. She sees Luscious and Cookie sitting down with a glass of wine in her hand and scoffs when she falls on three young man standing  side by side looking at her. One dressed primarily in a suit, one dressed in expensive clothes and then one dressed well it's hard to explain.

"Hey aunt Kellie" the tall one in a suit says and steps forward. She slowly approaches him and raises her hands so they rest on his cheeks.

"Andre my little soldier. You had it the toughest and hardest. You had to watch us struggle but you never let it keep you down. I am so proud of you. I read about you everyday when I had access and when I saw you on TV. I always said that's my nephew, stay strong" she says. No one knows this but Kellie was the first one to know about Andre's bipolar disorder because she experienced it with their mother.

"Thank you" he says wrapping his arms around her as he brings her into a hug. Kellie went to jail when Andre and Jamal were really young and Hakeem was barely two, her relationship with her nephews are what kept her going in jail.

      She slips out of Andre's arms and turns to face Jamal, she walks over and holds her hand up. Jamal chuckles softly before placing his hand up to mirror hers before slowly linking their fingers together, it was their little signature move when he was a child.

"Hey my little bean head. I knew you were special the moment Cookie and Luscious brought you home from the hospital. Your eyes had this light to them, I haven't seen a light like that in years. I knew you would grow up to the the peacemaker, the glue between your brothers" she says as tears fill her eyes.

"I missed you Aunt Kells" he says before bringing her into a hug, she smiles brightly and wipes off her cheek before turning to face Hakeem who finishes off his glass of wine and glares at her.

"Finally I get to meet my baby. My chocolate bar" she says.

"Don't act like you know me" Hakeem barks.

"Hakeem man c'mon" Jamal says.

"No he's right Jamal. I was arrested a few months before you turned two, you probably barely have any memories with me. Something Jamal and Andre have, I know it's unfair. But I remember everything about the years we did have together. When you were born, I felt like you were my son. I was the person whose name you said first. I was the first person you walked to, and you were the the last person I held before I went to jail" she says as she feels more tears coming in. She tilts her head up preventing any more tears from falling.
      Hakeem just stares at her, he can feel his eyes burning also but won't let it show.

"You abandoned us and act like these were supposed to be fine. You abandoned me and walk in here like everything is ok. Well it's not. You can't take away seventeen years of not having you in my life" he says.

"You are absolutely right Hakeem. I can't take back the time I lost. But I want you to know that not once did I not think about you boys. I wrote you every single day but I'm guessing your father never gave you three the letters. I should have known better but I was young and stupid. I did seventeen years to make sure you boys had a life and that you didn't suffer like we did" she says glancing over her shoulder at Luscious harshly before turning back to face her nephews.

"Let me show you how much you boys mean to me" she says and rows up the sleeves of her left arm. There in black in, clear as day is a heart and inside the heart is cursive, red letters are three names: Andre, Jamal and Hakeem.

"You have our names on you" Andre asks?

"I meant it when I said you guys meant the world to me. So Hakeem can you forgive me for not being in your life and let me make it up to you" she asks him?

"No" Hakeem says jokingly and she looks at him before flicking him at his neck when she sees him laughing.

"Boy" she says before bringing all three of her nephews into a hug.

"I love you guys so much" she says.

"We love you too Aunt Kelly" they all say in unison and she smiles finally feeling at home.

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