Luscious Sister (Part 3)

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It has been months since Kellie has gotten out of jail, she has been working her ass off for that A&R job opening at Empire. Directing both Hakeem and Jamal music and helping Andre with all of the legal work, she even has gotten along with Cookie which is not easy.

Luscious has called a private meeting after hours with just the family and Becky, so here she is at ten pm when she should be asleep in her bed. She walks in and sees Hakeem, Andre, Jamal, Becky and Luscious and Anika.

"Why is the fake Halle Berry here" she asks snapping her fingers towards Anika.

"Why are any of us here, this late" Hakeem asks yawning?

"Exactly dad" Jamal says turning to face his father.

"Because your father is a damn fool and don't know any better" Cookie announces waltzing into the room.

"Cookie so glad you can join us" Luscious says.

"Well hurry this up I need my beauty sleep" she says sitting beside Jamal.

"Even sleep couldn't help you" Anika mutters and Cookie hears this and stands up.

"Say that again bitch and I'll lay your fifty pound ass down" Cookie barks but Andre holds her arms keeping her back.

"You couldn't lay my ass down if you tried bitch" Anika bites back.

"Alright enough back talk between the love of his life and the side chick. Luscious get to the damn point" Kellie exclaims rubbing her temple as Cookie sits back down.

"I know there has been some competition and rumors about this position as the A&R and I have made my decision. The new head of A&R is Anika" Luscious says and everyone turns to look at Cookie.

"Anika. Ok Luscious. She is going to run your company into the ground" Cookie snarls and storms out of the office followed by Becky.

"You chose this fake ass Caribbean bitch over your own little sister. I busted my ass these past months to make sure your company stayed together, I helped Jamal and Hakeem with their album. I even made amends with Cookie, I have once again put you before me and you do this" Kellie exclaims standing up out of her chair.

"Kellie" Luscious tries.

"No Luscious! Hell no! I did seventeen. Seventeen damn years for your ungrateful ass and this is how you repay me! You want everyone to stand in line and follow your every rule Luscious but I won't. I will never bow down to you, the real reason you didn't make me A&R is because you are scared of how much better I am then you" she snarls.

"I'm not scared of anything" Luscious snaps.

"Luscious your family and closest friends are going to turn against you and your precious Empire will come burning down. And when it does I will be there waiting, and watching with the match in my hand and fire in my eyes. You think crossing Cookie was bad, you haven't seen bad Luscious. I am going make sure you never forget who you screwed over, every step you make I will be watching. Every breathe you make, every inhale and exhale will be counted. You wanted a war Luscious? You wanted a battle? Well you got one and this one is one you will not win" Kellie growls pronouncing each word with venom as her hands rest on the table and she leans her upper body forward slowly.

       Andre, Jamal, Hakeem and Anika watch as the unimaginable happens; Luscious Lyon actually sheds a glimpse of fear on his face before it disappears and forms into a smirk.

"I'll like to see you try and I'll destroy you" Luscious snarls.

"You can't destroy me if you tried. But me? I have dirt on you from decades ago. You just made your confident and closest family your worst enemy" she snarls and picks up the glass vase full of marbles on the table and tosses it at a glass window shattering it making her nephews and Anika flinch.

"Game on bitch" she says and walks out of the conference room leaving everyone gaping.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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