First Sight.

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I was at the bar drinking away my feelings. Today was just not my day. I was late to work and almost got fired, I found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me with one of my friends, and my whole family took a family vacation without me. Like hello! I'm family too! So no one is in town. Right now I'm on my sixth drink and I feel extremely loose, so I think I'll go home now. I walked to my car and started it but it wouldn't start. Just my luck. I got out and popped the hood and coughed as smoke came out. Perfect, just perfect. I leaned on the side of my car and just leaned my head back.
"Need help?"
My head shot up and I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Y-you're Chris Brown right?" I gasped. "Yes. Do you need help?" He asked.
"Yeah, my-my car won-won't start." I slurred.
Holy shit I see rainbows.
"We can call a mechanic in the morning. C'mon, I'll take you home with me." Chris offered.
"Mhm hmm." I said like a 5 year old. We walked to his car and woah he has a nice car.
"Woah, you're ca-car is cool. It reminds me of a red lollipop." I giggled then put my thumb in my mouth.
Chris' car roared to life and he took off. I looked out the window and rolled my window down letting the wind go through my hair.
"Weeee! I like this ride. I don't want it to stop. Isn't it fun C-Chris?" I giggled. He didn't answer. So I poked his cheeks.
"Stop." Chris demanded his eyes still on the road.
"But I like poking your cheeks." I pouted.
"God, you're annoying." Chris muttered.
"Hey! You hurt my feelings." I cried.
"Oh really? Well I'm sorry." Chris said glancing at me.
Asshole. The car stopped and the window rolled up.
"Nice house." I beamed.
My door opened and Chris grabbed me.
"Be careful, I'm fragile!" I hiccuped.
Chris pulled me into his house and carried me up the stairs. This is fun. We entered a room and he threw me on the bed.
"Bouncy. Bounce. Bounce." I giggled as I bounced on the bed. Chris walked over to me and I felt a slight pinch on my arm.
"Ow. What is that?" I asked.
"Something to help you go to sleep." Chris cooed.
"But I, I don't wan-want to go to sleep." I whined as my eyelids got heavy. "Goodnight." Chris smiled.
"But- Bu-"
"Shhhh. Go to sleep." Chris whispered as he laid me down and stroked my hair. Then darkness took over.

| So how was the first chapter? Is it short? Cause idk, I'm typing this from my phone. But, comment what you think. Don't forget to vote and fan. - Andrea | be hisWhere stories live. Discover now