Am I Free?

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"Tyler, w-what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I followed you. Then I saw what happened downstairs." Tyler answered.

I couldn't even grasp the fact that he followed me! I ran from you for a reason dumbass! Well you know, if I think about it he kind of saved me. Now that I think about it even more...where the hell is Chris?

"Where's Chris?" I questioned.

"Oh, ummm I knocked him out..." Tyler answered hesitantly.

"You what!" I yelled.

"I-I didn't know what to do!" Tyler panicked.

"Just get out. Go home. I'm perfectly fine, don't worry about me." I said, letting out a breath of frustration.


"GET OUT!" I screamed.

The way Tyler's face fell was funny. Then he stomped out like he was mad at the world. It was too funny. I walked out and looked down at Chris. All I could think was "Damn, YOU JUST KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT!" Ahhh, I crack myself up. "What a little bitch." I mumbled kicking Chris in the side. I stepped over him and walked to my room. I guess I'm free to go now. As I was packing I got this sick feeling in the pit of stomach. I brushed it off and kept grabbing different clothes that Chris bought me. When I was done, I strolled to Chris' room. Now if I was Chris where would I hide my phone? I started looking through his dresser. Yes, got it! I pressed the button to turn it on and it turned on. The battery is just half full. At least it's not dead.

Now for my dramatic leave. I guess I could leave him a note. I searched for a pen and paper. When I found it I started it of with


| I feel free. I feel freedom. *Nicki Minaj voice* I'm so crazy. But Andrea is free at last ! She's free at last ! And poor Tyler. He just wanted to get back together with Andrea. I'm thinking of making this a short story, cause I'm extremely ready to start a sequel to this story. Yes, I said it. There will be a sequel. I don't know what I'll call it yet. So comment possible names for the sequel ! Also vote and comment ! -Andrea | be hisWhere stories live. Discover now