First Time Isn't Always Easy.

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The Next Day


         "I found you, mommy!" "Oh man, you found me." "I found you too." I turned around and saw the last person I EVER wanted to see again.

         I shot up from my bed breathing heavily. Woah, since when did I have a kid? "Morning." I jumped at his voice. " You scared me." I breathed. " Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?" Chris smirked. Oh you little evil bastard. " Breakfast is in the kitchen. I've got to go to the studio to record some songs. There's guards by the gates and locks on every single window so doing try anything." Chris explained. I just nodded in response. I'm still gonna find a way to escape somehow. Trust and believe that! I'll wait until he leaves out the front for and I'll leave out the back. Simple. But first, I have to act like I'm just gonna eat then watch TV. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and began to eat. I waited until I heard the front door close. I quickly finished my water and sprung up and carefully walked to the back door. I slowly opened the door and shut it. I'm outside. Okay, first part it's done. Now all I got to do is run. "Alright, I'll guard the back of the house." SHIT! Okay, ummm. I'll hide behind the shed! I ran towards the shed and stood still trying to steady my breathing. I looked at the fence in front of me and noticed that part of it was bent upward and I could easily fit through it. I crawled through it when I heard a voice. " She's gone.......I don't know..... Oh shit I see her!" I looked back and saw a guard running towards the fence. Time for me to haul ass! I ran even faster unfortunately for the guard he got tired. Ha, I can just feel my freedom now. I ran down this road. After awhile I got tired and just walked. My feet hurt right now and I have NO IDEA where the hell I am! I kept on waking until I got to a gas station. Maybe they can give me directions! I walked in and towards the register. " Umm, hi. I'm lost. I'm trying to get to Hollywood square." I explained. The guy behind the counter started taking in a heavy accent of some language. I couldn't understand. " I'm sorry, what was that?" I ask. He spoke again and I STILL couldn't understand him! Fuck it, I'm walking. " You know what? I think I remember my way. Thank you." I lied. I walked out and walked down the long road. Great. I don't know where I am, my feet hurt, I'm thirsty, I'm scared. I'm feeling every damn emotion of the rainbow. I stop and look down the road. No cars. Looks like hitch hicking is out of the question. I sat and rested for a minute. Damn, I never planned this far. I just didn't think it should work.

         "Need a ride?" I stood up and immediately regretted it.


" So you thought that you could escape?" Chris whispered as he pinned me against the wall. I let out a small whimper. "Oh so you don't wanna talk? We'll see about that." Chris said. He picked me up and threw me on the bed. He started to take his jeans off and I started moving away. "No, no. Don't you run." Chris ordered. He gripped me by my ankles and pulled me towards him. He stripped me of my clothing as he got aroused. I let out constant cries but he ignored each one of them. He pulled down his boxers and his member sprang straight up. "Lay back. Relax." Chris soothed. He pushed me back and wasted no time in entering me. Scratch that, he slammed into me. I cried out. " Stop, please!" I screamed. He ignored me and kept going, gradually going faster and harder. I fought against my body to not moan but it slipped out. NO! Why? I screamed out as he pounded into me. "Sto-" I felt Chris' lips on mine and freaked out on the inside. Why is he kissing me? " Soft lips. I wonder what that mouth do." Chris said.

| I updated! I'm working on two more chapters. So don't worry. But she escaped! And was found the punished. So, comment vote and fan. -Andrea | be hisWhere stories live. Discover now