The Reality Of Us

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"Hello Andrea. What brings you to my office?" Dr. Reegan asked.
"I've been throwing up lately and getting major headaches and my body feels sore at times." I explained.
"When was the last time you got your period?" Dr. Reegan asked.
"Over a month ago." I answered.
"Do you think that you could be pregnant?" Dr. Reegan questioned.
Pregnant?! I can't be. But, Chris never used protection and I wasn't on birth control. I mentally face palmed myself for being so dumb and not thinking.
"I-I don't know." I stuttered.
"We could test you if you'd like." Dr. Reegan offered.
"Sure, yeah." I agreed.
"Well, you're not pregnant. It could be the change of season that could've altered the time of when your period will arrive. Or you could just have the flu." Dr. Reegan informed.
Oh thank God. I felt so relieved when he said that.
"Okay, thank you. I'll see you around Doc." I replied.
He smiled and nodded in response as I left the room. I guess now I can leave and start my life anew on a good note. I can't wait to go to London tomorrow.
I decided to take Andrea's advice and get help. I'm really fucked up in the head. She's right, I need to get over myself. That's why Im admitting myself into rehab. I think it's best honestly. I know I'll see her again, I just know it. It might take months, or a few years. But I'll see her again. I'll better myself for her, and her only. I love her so much. I'll do anything for her. That's just the reality of us.
A few days later.
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I decided to forgive Chris. He's just a man who's lost his mind and searching for it. London is great so far. I still feel sick. But, yeah it's amazing in London. I moved into my flat, it's breath taking. The neighbors are so nice. They told me everything I need to know about London. You can say that I'm off to a great start. But, this is only the beginning.
| And that's a wrap! This is the last chapter. Don't worry the sequel will come next year. So don't be sad. Check out my new book 'They Don't Know You'. Yes it's another CB fanfic. I don't really have high expectations for it. But yeah, that's it. Comment. Vote. Fan. -Andrea | be hisWhere stories live. Discover now