Bitch Fit.

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         "Wake up." I opened my eyes to see Chris with bags in his hands. "I bought you some clothes. Now you won't have to wear mine all the time." Chris smiled. "Thanks." I said looking down. I noticed I wasn't tied up anymore so I got off the bed and picked up the 5 bags. I carried them to the bathroom and started to run my shower.

         I never thought I would get this far in my plan. I guess I picked the right time. I kind of felt bad for raping her while drunk. But, the second time felt good. Hearing her cry out and feel pain. Like I did back in high school. She'll be my little slave. I'm starting to crave her and feel for her. She's so beautiful but, mean. I just can't let her go. She's become my little obsession now. Every single thing about her. From her long brown soft hair to the way her green eyes bore into mine. She is mine to keep. Almost like I was destined for her as she to me. I don't know how to feel at the moment. This is different from being in love. It feels like falling. Free falling in love. That's why I kissed her. I wasn't just fucking her, to me it was making love. I've always felt this way about her. Its just when I got into different relationships I threw my feelings for her away. Andrea is my drug. I was ripped out of my train of thought when the doorbell rang. I got up to open the door and couldn't believe my eyes. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I want you." " Well I don't want you. Now leave." I demanded. " Oh don't be like that now." She pushed past me and entered my house. "Oh please do come in." I says sarcastically. "I miss us Chris. I-" She was cut short when Andrea walked down the stairs. "Holy shit." Andrea gasped. " Who is this bitch?" " My girlfriend." I said quickly. "Excuse the fuck out of me but, I'm not a bitch." Andrea said. "Hoe, I don't think I was taking to you." "Hoe? You wanna see a hoe? Well look in the mirror dumb bitch!" Andrea yelled. Seeing Andrea getting all mad looked so sexy on her. " Are you trying to start something?" " No. You are." Andrea said getting in her face. "Okay, ummm-" "Get. Out. Of. My. Face." " What you gonna do? Try me bitch." Andrea teased. She swung at Andrea but Andrea dodged it and right hooked her. She pushed Andrea causing her to fall to the floor getting on top of her and scratched her face. Andrea got on top of her and started throwing punches left and right. I ran over towards them and pulled Andrea off of her. "Weak ass hoe!" Andrea hollered. " Get. Out." I said with clenched teeth. She stood up and said " Don't worry. He'll always come running to me." then left. " Don't no one want her wide ass pussy." Andrea mumbled. I tried to hold in my laugh but it came out anyway.  I looked at Andrea's face to see it was clawed. "C'mon lets get you cleaned up. I took her upstairs to the bathroom and told her to sit on the stool by the sink. I swear this was the most awkward situation ever. I began to clean the cuts on her face. "You sure do know how to fight." I said. " Well she asked for it." Andrea mumbled. " Yeah." I agreed. "Why was that thot over here anyway?" Andrea asked. " She wanted to get back together but I said no." " So she threw a bitch fit? Chris, control your hoes." Andrea said obviously pissed off.
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