Let Me Go

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         "Ow." I groaned. I sat up in my bed. Wait this isn't my bed. I looked around and saw I was in a different room. Maybe I fell asleep in one of my guest rooms. I moved but noticed that I was restrained. What the fuck? Did someone tie me up? The door opens and in walks the sex god himself; Chris Brown. Holy shit, I have hit the jackpot! Hmmm, looks like my ex was wrong, I CAN do better. " Glad to see you're up." Chris smiled. " Where am I?" I question. "My house." Chris answered simply. " Why am I tied up?" I ask. " So you won't escape." Chris stated. " Why?" I questioned with fear rising in my voice. "You are slow. You're mine. You're my prisoner." Chris explained. What? " Okay, lets get this straight. This. Is. Bullshit. This isn't real, I'm not really tied up. I'm just dreaming. This. Is. All. A. Dream." I laughed. " This isn't a dream. This is reality, " Chris laughed. "You were never this dumb in high school." Chris stated. " Why am I here? Why did you pick me?" I asked shamefully. " Because this is my revenge. Your friends and YOU especially you laughed at and taunted me through out high school and now is my time for revenge. So get used to this." Chris smiled. This asshole. How the fuck can he smile and say something so evil? And he wants to get revenge for something in high school? How petty are you? IT WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL! Get the fuck over it! I just want to go home. I feel so defenseless. Helpless. All I can do is cry.

          "P-please i-if you let me go I won't tell anyone." I pleaded. Chris looked at me and laughed. "Like I'm supposed to believe you?" Chris said. He just looked at me as I cried. "You hungry?" He asked. I can't even answer right now, I didn't trust my voice. I decided to not answer him. But my stomach answered for me. "I take that as a yes. I'll be back, don't go no where."Chris smiled and left the room. Yeah like I can totally go somewhere right now. Okay, I have to find a way out of here.  But first, I have to get out of these restraints. I tried to move my fingers and untie it but I couldn't. I kept trying until my fingers started to hurt. I am officially stuck. There's nothing else to do but wait and cry. I wish I stayed home last night. Then I wouldn't be here. I wish my family want out on a "family vacation". Did they just decide to leave me out? The door opened and in walked in the asshole himself. "Miss me?" Chris asked. Bitch please. He walked closer to me and my body started to shake with fear. "It's okay, Andrea. You don't have to be scared." Chris said rubbing my face. Without thinking, I spat on him. He wiped the spit off of him in disgust. My breathing was cut off when his hand cupped my neck squeezing it tightly. " Listen bitch. You will respect me. Do you know all of the things I can do to you? I can torture you in all the ways I want to." He says angrily in my face. He let go of my throat leaving me gasping for air. "Matter of fact let me teach you a lesson now." He smirked. Now I'm petrified.
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