Over thinking

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        I can't sleep knowing that he loves me. I can't believe it. He loves me. But, I'm not perfect. I treated him like shit for years. How can he love me?! Is it bad that I'm starting to feel something too? I need to stop and think this through. My mind is in shock and I'm not thinking straight. Yeah, that's it. I'm just not thinking straight.
"Stop moving." Chris groaned.
"Sorry." I whispered.
I tried staying perfectly still but couldn't.
"Chris." I called.
No answer.
"Chris." I called again shaking him.
"Hmmm?" Chris groaned.
"I can't sleep." I said.
"Count sheep." Chris mumbled into my neck.
"I'm not 5 anymore you know." I said.
"Then what do you wanna do?" Chris asked sitting up.
"I don't know. Watch a movie?" I offered.
"Oh now you wanna watch a movie?" Chris smirked.
"Oh whatever." I said rolling my eyes playfully. "I just hope you know that your eyes are gonna get stuck like that one day if you keep rolling them." Chris said turning on the TV.

I gave him the finger and he just laughed.

"So you do want round 2." Chris smirked.

"Never said that." I replied.

"Mhmm hmmm, say that now. But later on you won't be." Chris fired back.

"You cocky little arse." I said trying not to laugh.

"Oh c'mon you know you wanna laugh." Chris teased.

"Nope." i said popping the 'p'.

"Oh really?" Chris questioned.

I nodded my head in response. Next thing I know I'm being harshly tickled. So I couldn't hold in my laughter, I'm ticklish. 

"Okay, stop."


"Why?" I questioned.

"Not until you say 'I love Big Daddy Chris'" Chris said tickling me even faster.

"Hell no." I laughed.

"Then I guess you're just gonna be tickled for the rest of the night." Chris sighed playfully.

"Ugh, fine. I love Big Daddy Chris." I groaned.

"I can't here you." Chris smiled.

Oh he wanna play games?

"I love Big Dady Chris!" I yelled.

"Alright. I'll take that." Chris said finally not tickling me anymore.

I caught my breath and just mean mugged him.

"Oh my god Ted is on!" I gasped.

"Can we watch it please?" I begged.

"Sure." Chris agreed.

We began to watch the movie and laughed at the funny parts. I started to get sleepy towards the end I tried to stay up longer to finish the movie but sleep took full possession of my body.


         I watched as she tried to fight her sleep but couldn't. I found it kind of funny but tried not to laugh at her. When she finally fell asleep, I finished the movie then turned off the TV and wrapped my arm back around her and fell asleep with her laying in my arms. I feel like I can be like this with her forever.

| Sorry I know it's short but I didn't know what else to write for this chapter. Also school is being a basic bitch. -_______- Also, I really want you to check out my new story 'True Coven' I came up with it over the summer I just didn't think I would put it out yet. There's gonna be a mix of celebrities in the story but they won't be famous. So please check it out and leave your feedback and ideas for a new cover for it too. With that being said...Comment. Vote. Fan -Andrea |

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