Love The Way You Lie

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         A few days have gone by and I feel extremely emotional. Like, my feelings are all over the place. I don't know what to feel. So I just stayed locked up in my "room" and cried. I miss my freedom. I miss my family. I miss my friends. How long have I been here? I think I've been here long enough for someone to notice that I've been gone for too long. I'm surprised the police haven't showed up to Chris' door yet. Am I even in the news? Do people care that I'm missing? That makes me feel even worse. God, I hate Chris. I just want to bash his face in. Saying that he loves me? Fucking bullshit. Fucking liar. That's why I came up with a plan.
         Andrea has been locked in her room lately. I do check on her every now and then and bring her food and water. Its like she's my pet. I tried having a conversation with her but she just speaks above a whisper or in short sentences, and it's starting to piss me off. I try to be less harsh on her but most times its like she's practically asking for it. Or am I just crazy? I might as well check on her now. I've been in my private studio for awhile and the sun is starting to set. I walk up the stairs and to her door opening it.

"Hey are you-"

I peered my head inside the room and she wasn't there. What the fuck? Did she leave? Again? SHIT! I ran to my room putting on my shoes. I then ran down and grabbed my keys and phone then ran out the door and into my car. It quickly roared to life and I sped off. Now where the fuck can she possibly go? She wouldn't be stupid enough to go the same way she went when she first escaped? Nah, she's smarter than that. As I'm driving down the streets of California I hear a scream. It sounded like Andrea. I quickly pull over and I look back and see a girl running. I squinted my eyes to see the girl clearer and it was Andrea. I leaned over to the passenger seat and opened the door and reached my arms out for her. The closer she got the higher my anticipation got. When she was next to the door I grabbed her and shoved her in the car, closing the door and then finally speeding off. She's definatly in for a treat.



         YES! I finally got out of the house! Chris was too busy to even hear my footsteps. What a loser. I looked back at the house one last time and took off running. Once I was far away I started walking and cut through a park. The trees look so beautiful. I walked farther into the park and sat down on the bench infront of the pond and watched the sunset.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

I jumped and looked to see my ex; Tyler. Oh what the fuck does he want?

"I guess." I mumbled.

"Listen, I'm sorry-"

"Sorry that you did it or that you got caught?'' I questioned.

He stayed quiet.

"Yeah that's what I thought." I stated getting up and walking away.

"Andrea please. Come back." Tyler begged grabbing my arm.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled snatching my arm away and continued to walk away. He is killing my mood. I was then jerked back and Tyler was in my face.

"You're gonna listen to what I have to say whether you like it or not." Tyler said through clenched teeth.

"I SAID LET GO!" I screamed pushing him off of me. I watched as he fell to the ground in shock. He looked up at me with pure anger.

"You're gonna regret that." Tyler stated as he slowly arose.

I took the oppourtunity to run away screaming for help in the process. I looked behind me to see Tyler running after me. I turned my head and found myself being yanked inside a car. Before I could protest, the door closed and the car sped off. I looked to see who the driver was and saw an angry yet amused Chris. FUCK! How does he always find me?

| Ooooo ! What do you think Tyler did before ? What do you think is gonna happen next ? I want everyone to listen to Love The Way You Lie . I think it kind of relates to Chris and Andrea's "relationship" especially in the next chapter.  I would put it in the MM but it's on that bullshit and won't let me >________<. So...Comment. Vote. Fan -Andrea | be hisWhere stories live. Discover now