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| Okay so since no one really remembers Tyler...he was mentioned as Andrea's boyfriend that cheated on her in the first chapter and in the chapter named 'Friends' . Hope that cleared the air for you guys ! |

I couldn't believe my eyes seeing Andrea again. I never meant to sleep with her friend. I just want Andrea back. She's my everything. I tried to apologize but she didn't want to hear me. She was gonna hear me one way or another. So when she ran, I ran after her. I continued running after until I saw her being snatched into a car and watched it speed off with her. FUCK! I quickly looked around and saw a bike. I quickly hopped on and followed the car. When the car started to slow down and park in front of a house I slowed down as well and hopped off the bike. I watched as Andrea and this guy enter the house closing the door. I approached the house as the sun started to set. That's when I saw and heard everything that took place:
"What were you thinking?" The guy asked.
Am I going crazy or am I really seeing Chris Brown? I then saw Andrea's head hanging low. She does that when she gets caught doing something.
"I believe I asked you a question." Chris said
She didn't answer.
"ANSWER ME!" Chris yelled flipping over the glass table.
I jumped myself and saw tears form in Andrea's eyes.
"I-I wasn't." She stuttered.
"Exactly. Do you not get that I have you for a reason?" Chris questioned.
She shook her head no.
"Because I want you here. I want my revenge. I found you and I have you right where I want you. I just didn't plan on falling in love with you." Chris explained.
Wait, what? He fell in love with her? And "found" her?
"Well, I didn't want to be here!" Andrea yelled.
"I don't give a flying fuck about what you want." Chris growled.
"Andrea, you don't get it." Chris said
"I love you! I know you feel something." Chris said pacing around the living room.
I grew jealous knowing the he was in love with her. I'm the one who's supposed to be saying that to her!
"This isn't love! And no I DONT feel something! If you wanted revenge you already got it by making something of yourself and coming out on top! And torturing me isn't gonna help! I'll admit I'm sorry but, right now? Right now, I hate you more than you hated me in high school! You're such a fucking liar saying you love me?! Is this your definition of love?!" Andrea yelled.
I smiled when she said that she wasn't in love with Chris and didn't feel anything.
I watched as she inhaled but Chris pushed her against the wall.
"Don't ever talk to me like that!" Chris yelled in her face.
That got my blood boiling. I have to stop this.
"Have you lost your mind? I'm not your rag doll! Get off!" Andrea cried pushing Chris off of her, causing him to fall into a wooden table hitting his head.
I witnessed a wave of panic that splashed across her face, then she darted up the stairs. As expected, Chris ran after her. I finally started looking for something to open the door with I looked in the flower plant and there was no key.
"ANDREA!" Chris screamed.
I quickly checked under the mat and there was no key. Damn! I felt on top of the door frame and no key. I kicked the door and it opened. I guess the door was all the way closed in the first place.
"OPEN THE DOOR!" Chris screamed.
My body tensed up and I scanned the room for something. I have a plan.
"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Chris roared.
I saw a wooden table leg and grabbed it creeping up the stairs. I then heard some sort of banging on a door. I got closer to the top and saw Chris kicking at the door making it fall off of its hinges. I charged towards him and hit him across the head with the wooden table leg, knocking him out cold as the door fell with a loud thud. I went to the obvious place that Andrea would hide; the closet and opened it. She was quite surprised to see me.
| So that's Tyler for ya ! What do ya'll think of Tyler ? I thin

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