I have a job for you, but it blows

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Same Day.


His lips were still on mine. Why is he kissing me? Correct me if I'm wrong but, Kidnappers never kiss the kidnappee. He parted his lips and sunk his head into the crease of my neck. Whispering all of the things he'd still do to me. Most of them scared me. Chris pulled out and stood at the foot of the bed. " Over here, now." Chris ordered. I didn't hesitate to follow his orders. I sat in front of him and looked down. He gripped my face lifting it up. "Open." He demanded. I followed his order and almost got the wind knocked out of me. He shoved is member inside my mouth and thrust his hips against my mouth. I can't believe this! I heard nothing but his grunts. I'd rather be deaf than to hear him at all. He gripped my hair and pushed my head towards his body all the way, making me deep throat him. I gagged and choked as he moaned with pleasure. He released my head and slowly removed his member, leaving the head on my tongue. He jerked himself releasing his load into my mouth. " Swallow." Chris demanded. Ewww! I didn't want to worsen my punishment so I swallowed. "Good girl. Now stay." Chris smiled as he patted my head. I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING DOG! Chris walked to the dresser searching for something. I guess he found what he was looking for, because he walked over to me smiling. "Look! Its your old friends!" Chris exclaimed. He held up restraints and a needle with liquid. Oh how funny. He tied my hands and legs up then injected the needle into my arm. " Now, I have to go. Maybe I'll bring you something back. But until then. Enjoy your sleep." Chris smiled. Don't fucking smile at me. My eyelids got heavy and sleep took over.

| Is this short? I wrote it as soon as I got home. But the next chapter will be longer hopefully. What did you think? Comment. Vote. Fan. -Andrea |

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