Maybe You're Right

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| Listen to the song in the MM for the whole chapter it'll make sense . |
"Ugh." I groaned. I got up from the floor- wait why am I on the floor?
"Ow." I said wincing in pain. Why do I have a massive headache? I stood up and felt dizzy. I saw the guest room door on the floor. Why is that there? I shook it off and went downstairs to see the living room destroyed. Was I robbed? My eyes widened and I shot up to my room. Only to find a note on my bed. "Huh?" I said to myself. I opened the note and read:
If you're reading this I'm gone. Not dead gone but, you get what I mean. What happened today was way too much for me. That fight we had was intense. You flipped the table over and we were going at each other, then you pushed me against the wall. I pushed you into the coffee table and it took off from there. All hell broke loose. But, that's not the point. I can't stay here and be your prisoner. Then you say you love me? This isn't love. The minute you said you loved me I thought you were crazy. With that being said you need help. You need to control your anger and learn to communicate better. Don't try to find me cause I'll be far away. It's just better that way. You might think I'm crazy. That I'm lost and foolish for leaving you behind. Maybe you're right. Honestly, I don't know if I truly love you. Just know that I wish you the best. If I do see you again, I hope you are better. Once again, I'm sorry for all those years in high school. When I think of you I think of a lost misguided man. You need to find yourself. If you get through where the place us shining everyday, then I'll be on your mind. Until then It's goodbye.
After reading that I felt numb. I couldn't feel a thing. I let the paper fall from my hands. No she's still here. She didn't leave. I walked out and began looking for her. I even called her name. When I didn't find or hear her, panic settled in my body. I went to her room to find all give drawers empty and the bed made, as if she was never there. That's when it all sunk in. The fact that she's gone. All I could do was break down. I loved her, instead I pushed her away.
| Poor Chrissy Pooh :( . He really did love her . Now she's gone . There might be a few chapters left of this book . I'm so happy ! This story is now at 10K reads ! I just wanna say thank you ! To all of you who have read , commented, and voted for this story ! Cheers to you ! I love you all ! -Andrea | be hisWhere stories live. Discover now