Oh Shit... Pt. 1

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         I really was surprised to see Draya (From Basketball Wives). Her hoe ass. Trying to start shit, well bitch I'm gonna finish it. Chris is starting to be caring after that fight. I guess he cares. But that doesn't change the fact that I hate him. I still do, with a burning passion. "Hey, I'm going out to the club tonight and you have to come with me. Be ready in 3 hours. I suggest you take a nap cause it'll be a long night. I'll wake you up." Chris said poking his head in the door. " Okay." I said. I'm not even tired. Great, how the hell am I supposed to go to sleep if I'm not tired? Ugh, I might as well go and pick out my outfit now. I didn't even put my clothes away. I'll do it later. Oh, I like this dress and these heels! Chris got some good taste. It was a red dress that went to my mid thigh with my back showing. The heels were black red bottoms. I wonder if he got me any makeup and hair products. I looked through the bags and BINGO. He did. Thank you Chris! I still hate you though. I laid my outfit and accessories on the dresser then put my other clothes away. After that I laid on my bed and went to sleep.
         " Andrea, wake up." "I don't want to." I mumbled knowing that it was the devil himself. "Is that so?" Chris questioned. I felt his hands roam over my body, then a big smack on my ass. I jumped up and almost smacked the shit out of Chris. "Get ready." Chris ordered then left out the room. Damn, that shit hurt. I walked to the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. I ran my water until it was the perfect temperature and took my shower. When I was done I dried off , got dressed, curled the ends of my hair, and did my makeup. I looked in the mirror and noticed I looked sexy. I was feeling myself tonight! I went to open my door to see Chris on the other side ready to knock. "I see your ready." Chris said looking me up and down. "Eyes up here papí." I said picking his chin up. "C'mon lets go."
         Andrea was looking mighty fine in that dress! She had me ready to take her right in the hallway! I can tell that men are gonna be staring at her. She just might get in a little bit of trouble tonight.

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