Never Again.

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         I can't believe he did that! My ass hurts because of him! Ugh, he obviously has fucking issues. I really need to get out of here. Has anyone even noticed that I'm gone? Wait where's my phone? Oh, that little arse probably has it. I can't live without my phone. Without it I'm nothing. Now that is torture. Oh! Maybe if I annoy him he just might want to let me go. Time to get into my little air head mode. Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this! " Where are we going?" I ask innocently. "To the kitchen." Chris replied. "Oh." I mumbled. "I want pancakes." I whined. " Well you would've had some if I didn't have to punish you." Chris grumbled as we walked down the steps. Mind you I'm over his shoulder, again. "Weee! Bumpy bump bump." I laughed. Then I did the unthinkable. I pinched his butt. "Hey!" Chris alerted then dropped me. " Ouch. That hurt!" I warned sitting up. " No one. And I mean NO ONE touches me there. Got that?" Chris hissed getting in my face. "OMG! You have freckles!" I squealed. Then I did the most annoying thing in the world. I started bouncing and freaking out. Then I started poking his face. I got to admit, it was fun. Until he smacked my hand away. "Will you stop! God you're annoying." Chris yelled frustrated. I started to fake cry along with the fake tears. I should win an Oscar Award for this.

         " Oh my god. SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Chris roared. The way his voice changed got me scared. I just sat there as he stormed off into the kitchen. I'm guessing I pissed him off. I guess my plan is working. " Since you're out in the living room, do you mind cleaning it for me? Thank you." Chris said from the kitchen. Do I look like a fucking maid to you? Oh wait I'm still in the costume. Go figure. " Where's all the cleaning things?" I ask shyly. " Down the hall, 3rd door on the left." Chris directed. I quickly walked out and down the hall. I found the cleaning supplies and started cleaning. He's lucky I'm sort of a neat freak. "I like this view." I heard a voice. I quickly turned around to see a smirking Chris. I looked down at the maid costume and gasped noticing how short it was. I quickly tried to pull down the costume but it kept going back up. "Go ahead finish." Chris smiled then plopped on the couch and turned on the TV. I really hate him now.

         I got my hands and knees to wipe down the table. And guess what this bitch did. He smacked my ass. "OW!" I yelled punching him. I instantly regretted that. I swear before I could even move or blink he snatched me up. "Did you really that, that was a smart idea?" Chris gritted with clenched teeth. "I-I'm s-sorry." I whimpered. " Too late for sorry now." Chris smirked. With that he put me over his back and walked up the stairs and threw me into a room. Literally, threw me. "I'll be back later." Chris muttered then slammed the door locking it. I slowly crawled to the bed and sat on it hugging my legs to my body letting my tears flow. Hours passed and I fell asleep.


I woke up to a door slamming. I jumped up and looked outside. It was dark. Damn, how long was I sleep for? I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. I panicked and laid back down and closed my eyes pretending to be sleep. The door opened and Chris walked in. I shut my eyes tighter as I heard him walk closer to me. I heard jingling and felt a presence over me. I took a quick small sniff and he reeked of alcohol. Oh god, please don't be drunk. I felt his hands touch over me, then he eventually flipped me over and got on top of me. Fuck, he's naked, and drunk! He started kissing on my neck and taking my clothes off. " Stop." I protested. "Shhhh." Chris slurred. I began to try to move him off of me but it was no use. He was stronger than me. " Don't fight me baby." Chris whispered. Chris lined his member at my entrance. "No, please." I begged. "You're gonna enjoy this, I promise." Chris said. No I wasn't. Before I could protest he entered me going deep. It hurt. " Stop, please." I cried. Chris ignored my pleas and began to thrust his hips at a steady pace. "No, please stop." I begged. Chris grunted and lifted my leg up on his shoulder going deeper. It hurt so bad I began to scream. "Shhhhh! You're gonna wake the neighbors!" Chris stated putting his hand over my mouth. The faster he went the faster my tears flowed down much face. I couldn't even protest anymore. My voice hurts from screaming. I feel so helpless. Defenseless. He put me in a different position with my face down and my ass up. He rammed back into me going as hard as he can. All that could be heard were my cries, Chris' grunts and skin slapping. "Shit." Chris mumbled. I felt something warm shoot inside of me. Then Chris pulled out and laid down next to me wrapping his arms around me. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. My throat hurts.  Never in my life have I ever thought this would happen to me. I cried silently and drifted off to sleep. be hisWhere stories live. Discover now