A Lesson Learned

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         Chris untied me and threw me on his back. As much as I wanted to scream and pound on his back, I did NOT want to make my "lesson" any worse. "Stop crying. You're getting the back of my shirt wet." Chris demanded. "Sorry." I mumbled. He opened a door walked in closing it behind him and locking it. He gently put me on my feet. "Take a look around, love." Chris suggested. I looked around and the room was big and looked like a regular room. "Okay it's just a room. I don't get it." I said matter-of-factly. "This is the punishment room," Chris said. "Every time you fuck up, or don't follow directions you go in here." Chris explained. So he disguised a punishment room as a regular room. Smart, but sick. " Here. Change into this." Chris said handing me an outfit. I did a double take and noticed that it was a maid outfit. I looked at him, and he just smiled. I walked towards the bathroom but Chris caught my arm. "Uh-uh. You change in front of me." Chris stated. " What?!" I gasped. "Did I stu-stu-studder? No. Now, strip." He said. Oh my fucking gosh. I hesitated at first then did it anyway. I unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor. I quickly glanced towards Chris and saw a bit of lust in his eyes. Tears brimmed against the water line of my eyes as I put on the outfit. Chris smiled when I finished. " See, it wasn't that hard." Chris cooed. Fuck you. "Now, come bend over my knee like a good girl." He said patting his lap. Am I really about to be spanked? Since I had no choice, I did it anyways. Once I was bent over, he wasted no time and got to work. His hand rubbed my panties slowly. Wait I thought he was gonna spank me. Fucking pig. He started to rub harder and I tried not to moan. But it slipped out anyway. "Shhh," He says harshly " Every time you moan, I spank you." Chris explained. Oh! So he is gonna spank me in the mean time. Fuck my life. "C'mon, you know you wanna moan." Chris cooed in my ear. Trying to tempt me. I shook my head not wanting to give in. It's really hard not to moan when it feels so good. Chris pulled down my panties and started playing with my clit. " So soft, and wet." Chris whispered in my ear. His voice is so hypnotising. I couldn't help but moan. My moans were cut short when I felt something smack my ass. "Ow." I whimpered. "Then don't moan." Chris stated. But it feels so good. Ugh, this is torture. I bit my lip to keep my moans in. It worked for a while, until he stuck two fingers inside of me. That's when I let it go. Lets just say I couldn't keep my moans in from that moment. The faster he pumped, the louder I moaned and the more he spanked me. Then he decided to add another finger and pumped harder. I just lost control and kept moaning. I didn't even try to keep my moans concealed because I knew I wouldn't be able to. Not with all the pleasure Chris was giving me. So he started spanking me harder. It hurt, but his fingers felt so good. At this moment, my ass is sore. My legs began to shake and I couldn't control what happened. I closed my eyes and squirted. "Looks like I have a squirter." Chris whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "This is only the beginning." Chris said lifting me up and walking out the room.
| How was it? I probably won't update until tomorrow. I still have to update my other stories. Comment. Vote. Fan. -Andrea |

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