My Cinderella

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“ Next week, we will held a masquerade party in order to find a princess for you. You're in the term to find your princess and get married.” I choked at what my dad has just said, or should I say the king?

Yeah, we have the royal blood in our Kim family. Although in this modern era, there are still some people with royal blood. My family just one of them, there are still a lot outside. That's why we don't really socialize with people, although I against it, my family is kinda strict to the rules and hell yeah.

Glad that I have friends, or should I say another prince. The Royal Family from Daegu, Prince Yoongi and Prince Taehyung. The Royal Family from Gwangju, Prince Hoseok. The Royal Family from Ilsan, Prince Namjoon. The Royal Family from Busan, Prince Jimin and Prince Jungkook. We never call each other with prince or other formalities, except if we're in the important event like The Royal Family Party which held yearly. We were more like friends. Now, they should help me. It's not that I don't want to get married, but I don't need them to pair me up with a stranger.

" No, I decline. I can find a girl for my self. I don't even need a princess. "

My dad was about to get mad, but my mom hold his anger and turn to me. " Jin, listen to me. Just have fun in this party. We'll invite your friends too and who know you found a girl there? " She said and kinda mouthing me to say yes, we both know that my father have a bad temper. Sighing, I nod and then walkaway. Shit, they must be watch Cinderella too much.


" Still sulking huh? Prince Seokjin? " a voice tease me from my back. With his tone, I knew that he was Yoongi. I called them all to go out, because I need them to let out my stress.

“Stop it. My dad really crazy, he want me to get married as soon as possible. Am I that old?” I gulped another drink and they were already around me, ordering their drinks. Yeah, we're in the bar. A bar specially design for Royal Family.

" You're the oldest among us. " Jungkook said and they laugh again. I can't help to laugh too, this kid is so honest like ugh.

" But hyung, why you're so stressing about it? Maybe you could find your Cinderella that night? " Taehyung said. No wonder, he always have some same sense with my mom.

" Yeah yeah, there will be a lot princesses invited that night. That will give us a chance to find a girl too. " Jimin said and do some victory dance.

" Yeah, anyway it's party! Just have fun, like we used to be. If you don't find one, I think they won't be like force you too. " Hoseok added and all nodded.

" Stop stressing and just enjoy, and let the faith lead you. " Namjoon comfort me and I let put a relieved sigh. I think I'm just going to give a shot.


" Prince Jin. The king called you. " one of my servant come to me when I was having fun with the boys. It's starting, I can feel it. I stare into where my dad gather with some other people which I guess also from another Royal family. I turn to the boys and they give me supports which makes me chuckles and slowly approach my dad.

Once I arrived, I can see all eyes turn to me and that's when our eyes meet.

" Jin, this is The Royal Family from Jeju, Song Family and this is Princess Chaemi. " I look at their face one by one, giving my best smile and bow, until my eyes meet her. Seems like we have some electric wave or something?

"Whoa, Prince Jin is so good looking."

"He has been grew up to a gentleman" some of compliments whisper around and I naturally smirking but I feel someone was staring at me, and I was right.

I look up and our eyes meet again. Princess Chaemi. She's from Jeju, no wonder I never saw her before but why she looks familiar?

" Jin, please take Princess Chaemi walk around. She's new here. You know what to do right? " My mom pull me closer and whisper to me.

" But mom, I have my friends over there. " I protest but of course I won't win.

I sigh and leave the scene as soon as possible and of course with Chaemi with me leave others chuckling and commenting how good our chemistry is. Psh, we're only met just now for Godsake.

" So this is our mansion. " I said to her once I end up our very very short tour in my house. We stop at a corridor where not people walking through there, so we can talk freely. Since I start taking her around the mansion, she doesn't really talk, she was just like, nodding, hmm-ing, and staring at me whole the time, just like now.

" I knew I'm good looking but can you just please say something instead of staring at me all the time? It's creppy you know? " I asked and she suddenly giggles and turn out laughing.

I admit that her smile kinda mesmerized me. " You're still that confident. " She said and I stare back at her confused. The more I stare into his deep brown eyes, I think I was about to lose my sense because it's so beautiful.

" Well, whatever you think. I'm not gonna go on date you and not gonna marry you. I'm sorry. " I said, try to sound cool. She looks surprised and there is a pause before she say something.

" If I knew that I come right away just only to hear those harsh words. I might be just go sleeping in my home all day. " and with that she left me. Did I sound so harsh?


I was walking to outdoor to get some air because it feel so bad after what I done to Chaemi earlier. Suddenly some people run and some shouting panicking.

" Princess Chaemi fell into the swimming pool. "

" she's drowning! She can't swim!! "

Oh my God. Chaemi!

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