썸탈꺼야 Some

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"Is it my fault that I'm not good at expressing my feeling? I'm just warm girl in this cold city. Can't I just tell you that I like you? I just want to be honest, like how you always be honest with me when you talked about how much you like her.

Go away, no! Don't go away. Show me your heart, no! Don't show it to me. I mean- I don't know, all day, only your smile is in my head. Can we just go out?"

You finished your practice in front of your big mirror in your room and blew up your bangs in frustration before you lay down on the ground.

No, this won't work. He might laugh at your silly yet weird confession.


Your phone notified you for a notification from Instagram. Kim Seokjin just upload a new photo.

Yeah, you turn on the post notification for him.

Yeah, you like him that much.

Seokjin just posted a new photo and you realize you just lost it again. Sowon, the girl you always jealous about just hit the 'like' on his post before you.

You know you shouldn't do this, but out of curiousity, you checked her profile.

"W-what is this!" you jerked up from your laying position and widened your eyes.

Seokjin really out here liking all of her posts, even some random post about song recommendation and others.

"It's confirmed, he like Sowon. You have no chance anymore, Eunbyul-ah." you muttered to yourself.

Seokjin and Sowon is just like the king and the queen in your university, while you? You're just like one of his concubine. He always treat you well, smile at you, greet you whenever he saw you and protect you as much as he can, which makes it worst.

Because of his caring action towards you, your feelings started to grow for him. It's not the right thing, but you can't help it.

You know you'll end up hurting your own feelings, but you can't help it.

You know you got nothing to win over Sowon, but you can't help it.

And to make it worst, you can't hate on Sowon. She's just really like a goddess, not the fake one. She's also so nice to you. Despite her pretty appearance, she also have good personality. She also treat you well and sometime you wish she could be a little bad so at least you can hate her, but no. She never treat you bad.

"Earth to Eunbyul." A voice woke you up as you looked up and find him waving at you and show you a bottle of your favorite Banana Milk.

"O-oh, did you said something?" you smile sheepishly and he hand you the banana milk. "Why you always treat me this?" you asked, but still accept it anyway.

Seokjin show off his proud smile and make himself comfortable to sit in front of you. "Jungkook always brought it back home, and everytime I open our fridge and saw it, I'll remember about you. So I grab one for you."

"But it's belong to him? He will notice that his banana milk is decreasing each day."

"Nah, he won't notice. Trust me. Anyway, I'll get going first. See you at class later." He stood off and wave at you before leaving.

You followed the way he went to and notice Sowon is coming. As you expected.

'If you like her that much why you keep treat me nicely?' you muttered to yourself as you sipped on Jungkook's banana milk.

Later that day, you were about to leave your university when you heard someone mentioned your name.

"You really like Eunbyul don't you? You literally grab my banana milk each day for her. It's not that I mind about sharing but hyung, just admit it." It's belong to Jungkook.

You know it's not good to eavesdropping, but Seojin's answer is literally the thing you wanted to know the most.

"No. I don't like her that way."

For another seconds, you regretted for eavesdropping.

He will never like you, Eunbyul-ah.

When will you understand?

You cursed a bit when you accidentally drop your phone, which causing a pretty loud thump and you were sure Jungkook and Jin who's just around the corner will hear you.

"Eunbyul?? Since when you're here?" Seokjin asked immediately after you pick up your phone.

"Long enough." you fake a smile. "You know what, if you don't like me, just please. I beg you, please stop treat me nicely. You're just giving me false hope. You always makes me confused and thinking about confessing to you because I can't help my feelings. I even wanting to tell you that, I'm gonna have 'some' thing with you. I'm gonna call you everyday, even though I don't like to eat food you like, I'm gonna eat it delicious food with you. I understand maybe you don't want to be in relationship, so I'll agree just to be in 'some' thing with you because isn't that how love starts? Maybe it's like hanging half of my heart on you but I don't care. Even though it feels like you'll reject me, I'm gonna give it a try once more. But now-" you stopped to catch your breath.

"I think I'll just keep what I said just now for my self."

Silence lingering around both of you before Jungkook who has been standing not far from there let out a chuckles.

"Eunbyul-ah, how can you keep that for yourself when you already tell us out loud just now? Seriously, both of you and hyung need to meet Namjoon hyung." Jungkook said and shake his head before approaching both of us.

"One thing I can tell you, Eunbyul, Jin hyung like you a lot and hyung," He turned to Seokjin, "Confess soon, unless she will really jump into conclusion and keep her heart broken without knowing your true feelings." Jungkook added before leaving you both.

"H-He's just joking, right? You didn't like me, do you?" you asked with lower voice while Seokjin looks so red.

"That brat! Really! Ah!" He laughed dramatically and turn to you. "And yes, what Jungkook said is JUST RIGHT!" he said but keep walking back and forth and end up banging his own head to the nearest wall.

"B-but, Seokjin-ah." you stopped him from hurting his head and he turn to you with his red face, oh now you notice that he's just blushing. "Didn't you like Sowon?"

"Sowonnie? I like Sowonnie??"

"Yeah, see? You even have cute nickname for her." you looked away to hide your jealousy but then you can heard his laugh.

"She already have a boyfriend, Byul-ah. She's really like my sister. We're close because his boyfriend is my bestfriend." He said and you turn to him disbelief.

"For real???"

"For real. So is that what you've been wondering about?"

"Y-yeah." you nod slowly and cupped your blushing cheeks with your hand. Feeling embarassed because you were worried about nothing.

"Since you know the truth now," He grab both of your hands from cupping your cheeks and interwining with his. "How to makes you believe that I really like you?" He asked, gaining his confidence out of the blue.

"Press the 'like' on my photos like you do to her. Let me talk to you too. I feel so down earlier and I'm about to giving up today. Just when I'm about to turn around, you hold onto me. You're making me confused. So you should do something harder to makes me believe beside 'like' my photos."

"How about this?" he asked and to your surprise he pull you closer by your waist.

Your nose brush against his slightly and so does your lips. Before you can do anything, he pressed his lips against yours and kiss you softly. You widened your eyes and can't believe what is happening? Your big time crush, Kim Seokjin just kissing you right on your lips??

Without caring if someone else walk pass by, he just deepened the kiss as he slowly turn you around and push you to the nearest wall. You were flustered so you push him away lightly.

"O-okay, I believe it now." you stuttered and blushing mad, so you keep your gaze to the ground and you clearly hear his chuckles.

"So sweet, you're really so sweet. Your lips taste exactly like how I always imagine."

Theme Song: Some by Bb4 -

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