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Glancing at the bottom corner in your screen, you let out another yawn. It's 8.27 and you're still working your ass off in the office. All of your office-mate already went home couple hours ago. You decided to stay still just because you're in the mood to work on this new upcoming event.

But now, your head start to aching and your eyes was heavy as well. You haven't grab your dinner, maybe that's why your head start to aching.

“Why are you still here?” a voice surprised you and you quickly stood up once you notice it's Seokjin, your boss.

“O-oh, I-I just need to work on something.” you feel like slap yourself because you stutter in front of him, and suddenly gone now your headache, instead your heart was the one who beating fast.

Kim Seokjin, or Jin for short. One of the youngest successful chaebol in South Korea. Handsome, talented, smart, wise, kind, and good in cooking. He had a lot of companies, but he decided to stay around this one just because he love food and cooking.

And for some addition, you heard a rumour that he was having crush on you ever since you went to the same major with him in your university back then. You never believe it because he never really talk to you, but now????

“I know you were excited about the launching of our new products, but you need to take care of your own health. I've been watching you for awhile, and I know you haven't eat anything yet, now start to feel headache, huh?” He asked and you look up, expect to meet his scary expression,

But then, it's not a scary expression.

It's more like, worries?

“A-ah... it's okay. I'm.. I'm gonna going home now, and eat. So don't worry, Mr. Kim.” you chuckles awkwardly and look away.

You heard him sighing and the next sentences from him caught you off guard.

“In parking lot. My car. 10 minutes.” He said and left you dumbfounded.



Knowing your boss isn't the type to wait for someone, especially a ‘nobody’ like you, you jog a bit to the parking lot before grab all your things and of course tidy up your table.

Once you found his car, you walk closer to the driver seat and he lowering the car window, without looking at you.

“Get in.”

“B-but where are we going?”

“Just get in. I won't kidnap you.” He finally turn to you and chuckles.

You can't help but smiles and get into his car, to the passanger seat beside him.

“I played it so bad, doesn't it?” He asked once the car start moving.


“I tried to act like a bad guy, but I think it's a big failed, right? I can't. I'm too nice.” He said confidently and laugh.

“Ah, you mean earlier? So you were acting? Why you did so? Actually you did it pretty good, I was kinda surprised with your sudden changing too, Mr. Kim.” you answer politely.

“I just... so you do like that kind of bad boy styles? And we're not in office now, call me Jin. Don't act like we're strangers, I still remember you were my hoobae okay?” He fake a glare and you chuckles.

“Well, not really. It's cool but sometime it's scary too. Why did you asked? Oh, alright. Alright, Jin sunbae. So may you tell me where you're taking me to?”

“N-nothing. Hahaha.” Did he just stutter? “Going to eat, of course.” He added quickly.

“Ohh, sunbae. You don't have to, I-”

“I insisted. We can try some new menu in my favorite restaurant and maybe we could get some inspiration for our upcoming products, so no rejection.” He said sternly.

“Fine.” you pouted and throw glances to the side road.

Once both of you done his so called ‘simple dinner’ which is in one of the most expensive restaurant you ever know, he sent you home while discussing about the food you both just shared.

“The meal was good, but it got cook too fast, isn't? The structure will be softer if they keep it longer.” He mumbled and you hummed back.

“I guess so, but maybe it will burned if they keep it too long, well maybe we need to practice it tomorrow, so we could know.” you added.

“Of course. Do you think you know how to make that dish you had earlier?” He smirked.

“I think so. I will write down everything I remember once I get home, so I can try it tomorrow.”

“Wrong. Once you get home, eat this medicine and rest. I already tasted your meal earlier too, so I know how to cook your dish. Just rest.” He replies and you turn to him.

“I've been wondering-”

“Wondering about why suddenly I become so nice to you?” He cut you off confidently.

“No.” Your response makes him widened his eyes and took a glance at you before back on the road. “I was wondering when did you bought these medicines?”

“Oh. Hahaha. Just say that I'm a well prepared guy.” He smirk again.

“Fine. Thank you, sunbae. And why you become so nice?” you asked.

“Don't you already know?” He asked like he was surprised with your question.

“Know what?”

“About me, having crush on you? Don't you already know about it? I think I got one of your friend to tell you???”

“W-what??? So that was true????”

“So you actually thought it was untrue??? I thought you didn't like me back, that's why I making distance with you, until one day I met you again in my company.”

“O-oh...” you answered shortly and look down at your palm that rest on your lap.

“What oh? So do you like me back or not? Can't we go on date or something? Because I really really like you.” He asked excitedly and you can't help but blush madly.

“Y-yah?!?! Why are you so straightforward????” you shouted to cover your blush.

“Because you're too slow. If I didn't being straightforward you might don't get what I mean again and makes me wait for you for years.” He shouted back and pull the brake, that makes you realize, you've been reach your home. You were about to open the car and runaway but he said something that you've been scared to hear.

“Can you love me?”

BTS JIN Oneshots 《COMPILATION》✓Where stories live. Discover now