Letting Go

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Jin, your boyfriend is coming back home, but instead of having a quality time together, here both of you arguing each other. Even it feels like a habit whenever you both met and you're getting tired of it.

This time it started when he just arrived and you don't even welcome him.

"Didn't you happy when you see me? Did I do something wrong? Where did it start to go wrong?" He asked, definitely not happy seeing your face.

"Where did it start to go wrong? Even when I meet you I didn’t laugh, I’m suffocated. Why? As time goes, doubt and obsession grow more. I'll tell you honestly, actually I’m anxious, I think It’s better that you’re gone." You said look at him eyes to eyes.

He look surprised at your sentence, let out an awkward chuckles, and look at anywhere but you.

"What were you talking about? It's been awhile that we met, and you wish me to gone? You must be kidding, sweet heart." He said still wearing his angel mask.

"Where have you been these days?" You asked coldly, you know the answer, you just want him to answer it. The last chance for him to save your relationship, but of course, he miss it.

"Practice, working, what else? You miss me that much so you become this annoying??" He mutter easily and throw him self on your sofa. You sigh and close your eyes. You know he will lie to you.

"Please, can you at least be a little more honest?? Your growing lies, your memorized excuse, your bold story. All are bullshit, Jin." You said and he was about to say something, but you cut him fast, "No! not another word! No more excuse. Don’t hold on to me anymore! I’m letting go now. I'm letting you go, Kim Seokjin!" You said as your tears start to roll down to your cheeks. You turn your back and walkaway, but he hold your wrist.

"No." He stood up with his serious looks.

"Don’t say no coz I’m letting go now. I really let everything about you go." You snap.

"Why? Give me the reason."

"Why are you holding me? Aren't you have some other girl to cherish now?" You mocking him and he avoid your eyes, like focus on the ground. "Pshh, you can't answer it, right? Now tell me why you still hold on me, you love me? Huh?" You asked smiling like crazy.

"I.... I don't know." He said and you catch his trembling eyeball, you know what that means.

"Don't tell me 'I don't know' cause you don’t. You who got two faces, you who changes so much. Your obvious story protect your silent mouth. Keep avoid my gaze, focus to the ground. Your trembling eyeball rather than any words, louder to me. Tell me what should I believed in now? Even your appearance has changed." You state and attack him with those facts.

"I didn't changed. You're the one who changed! What you saw isn't true, she's just a friend of mine. We just hangout." He explain tried to defending him self.

"Oh, again. Acting like you right. Friends doesn't hugging, friends doesn't kissing!!! Please be a little more honest, I’m tired of your lies!" You laugh sarcastically.

"We've been this far , why can't you just trust me?" He use his angelic face, tried to begging for you, hold both of your hands.

"You're right, our memories. All memories came in the end they become despair and changes into regret." You said and he surprised at your words, your tears keep flowing but it's hurt that he doesn't looks worried. "Stop staring at my tears. My tears is not because of you, it's because I hate the old me who believed in you. Get off your disgusting hands from me, I totally hate you!!" You try to release your hands from his grip, but he just too strong.

"Can't we try to holding on for more? I don't want to lose you. I admitted that I've cheating on you, I admitted that my love for you has faded away, but I don't want to lose you." He said as he move his hand from your wrist and cupped your cheeks.

You slowly hold his hand and put his hand away from your cheeks, he thought you were give up and will come back to him, but not until you slap him hard on his cheek.

"How dare you!! I’ve done everything I can but you never satisfied. This show has been so long and i'm so sick of it. My times, effort, the useless hurt!..... Let's break up." You said calmly try to control your tears when you let out those 3 magic hurting words and start to take your things, ready to leave.

"You will regret this...." he whisper slowly as you were already in your doorway.

"Our dreams gone tonight and I have no regret. I will forget you like this. You have been a loser till the end, and you lose me, Kim Seokjin."

Theme Song: Letting Go by Ailee -

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