Die A Happy Man (Birthday Special)

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The sunray sneak in through his curtain as it makes its way to interupt his sweet dreams. He groans, annoyed but a smaller figure snuggle to him closer makes him open his eyes, only to found you beside him. You were hugging him tight, eyes still closed tightly, your hair are all around but for him, you're still lok like a goddess.

He took few seconds to move away your strain hair that somehow covering your sleeping face. A smile slowly crept into his lips and let out a slow chuckles as you move and yawning.

You open your eyes slowly which is very cute scene to him, then realize that he was staring at you lovingly.

"Good morning, birthday boy." you greet him with a peck and chuckles.

"Good morning, baby. How's your sleep?" He smile.

"Amazing. You?"

"Baby, last night was hands down. One of the best nights that I've had no doubt." He answered and you chuckles as he pull you closer to his chest.

"What's the best part that you like the most?" you mischiveously asked him.

"Between the bottle of wine and the look in your eyes and of course, the Marvin Gaye. Then we danced in the dark under December stars in the pourin' rain." you keep chuckles as he kiss the top of your hair, "And I know that I can't ever tell you enough, that all I need in this life is your crazy love." He ended as he peck your cheeks.

"Aren't you become too romantic this early?" you glance at him who had his biggest smile.

"I always being romantic to you, you know about my romance goal list for us, right?" He asked as he peck your nose.

"Yeah, I know but I don't remember. The list are hell-long." you roll your eyes and laughed. "What if we can't do all of that?"

"Baby, that's just my dreams. My goal list. If we can't make it, so what? I still have you anyway."

"Really? So should we cancelled our trip to Paris next year?" you giggles, teasing him.

"Listen, if I never get to see the Northern lights or if I never get to see the Eiffel Tower at night. If all I got is your hand in my hand, baby, I could die a happy man." He answered as he play with your hair.

"Yah, don't die now. Die later, so we can die together."

"What topic is this? I'm having a birthday today and we talk about death? Really?" He hissed, pretend to be mad.

"Ah, you're the one who bring up the topic. Now let's wake up and shower, I want to go out and enjoy this beautiful day with my birthday man."


"Baby, which one is better? This red dress? or this black one?"

"Ouh, baby, that red dress brings me to my knees but that black dress makes it hard to breathe." He groans, adoring you who wore a red dress, while your hand holding another black dress.

"So?? I need a help, you just makes it harder for me to choose."

"You're a saint, you're a Goddess, the cutest, the hottest, A masterpiece. So whatever you're going to wear it's alright. So, take both of it." Smiling, he know that you're satisfied with the answer since you smile and turn around, but put back the black one away.

"Yah, why you left the black one?"

"Nah, I still had lots of black dresses, and this one is expensive enough, I-" you were still talking when he grab the black dress along with the red one and heading to the cashier. "Yah! Kim Seokjin!"

"Jin, actually I still feel guilty. You took a day off between your tight schedule just for me, I feel uneasy towards your members and manager. I don't need vacation or fancy destination. You're my great escape. We could stay at home, and maybe dance around the fireplace." you let out a mischiveous smile at your last sentences.

"It started sweetly then end fiercely." He scoff, still holding your hand as both of you walking around.

"W-what?!?!" you laugh slowly.

"Dance around the fireplace?" He repeat your sentence. "Now, my own fiancee are even smart to tease me." He pretend to be mad, so you tip a toe and peck his cheeks.

"I don't mean it that way, aish. Don't you think it's so romantic? Do you remember, most of romantic movie had that kind of scene, it's so sweet and romantic. I don't even think about your.. dance." you muttered the last words and he glare at you. "Alright, alright!! I surrender!" you pretend to held your hands up and he finally laugh.

"Fine, you're forgiven! Now let's go to the groceries, I'm gonna cook us a special dinner tonight!!" He become excited as he talk about both of your first love, food.

"You better cook a lot, since I'm gonna eat a lot!"

"Whooaaa, we just did it last night and you already need to eat a LOT??" he tease you and you can feel your cheeks become warmer.

"Y-yah!! Stop teasing me!! You're the on-"

"Alright, alright. I surrender, Mr. Kim, aish my soon to be wife is such a shy-ball." He said as he start to choosing the vegetables leaving you blushing mad, before joining him, and helping him.


"Today is the most beautiful day, Jin." you muttered as you both lay down under another beginning of December's stars.

"No, everyday from now on will be the most beautiful, because I got your hand in mine and vice versa." He turn to look at you before staring back to the night sky.

"Don't say about die a happy man again." you chuckles and he follow.

"That's the truth, baby. I'm so happy that I wanna die." He chuckles before continue. "Us. It's too good to be true, nothing better than you even in my wildest dreams."

"Wildest dreams?" you furrow your eyebrow as he chuckles.

"Forget about it. I just blurted it out randomly."


"Yeah!! Now, how about my gift?" He said, suddenly come closer to you.

"W-what gift?? You already got your gift last night!"

"Ah, I need a bonus gift!"

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