Selfish You

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Worldwide Handsome. Confident Seokjin. That's how his fans keep addressing him.

Kim Seokjin is famous with his amazing visual that he often show as much as he can. He always joking about how he love his face and confidently admiring his own self, even though he will get embarrassed a little bit later on but he's showing the truth though.

Who can't deny Kim Seokjin's visual?

But despite his overflowing confidence, he was lowkey want to help people with who has crisis of their own confidence. He was trying to tell people to love themselves.

But, no ones know how Kim Seokjin act around you. He's not a sweet talker - even though lots of his fans believe he is - neither a clingy boyfriend.

But, he's indeed an adorable ex.

Yes, after dating for almost 2 years. The relationship has been go on and off lately. Both of you are short tempered and talk without thinking, that's how you two ended up like that.

You remember the last fight you both had, and when the 'broke up' word came out, he scoff at you.

"You always mentioned broke up with me here and there. You’re not lovable, even the way you talk is rough. You always have it your way, you only know yourself. Do you think there are other guys who will accept you besides me?"

"Only know my self? Seriously, Kim Seokjin. Are you for real? You're the one who only know yourself! Why did I even dating you!"

"Hey, you. Listen. I'm doing you a favor by dating you either. If you want to break up then just go ahead, let's break up. I have tons of girls line up for me anyway."

You remember how he crossed his arms as he looked away from your. His cold and sharp words aren't a new things for you but you don't know why his sentence about doing you a favor by dating you hurted you so bad to the point you teared up.

"I'm gonna do you a favor then for now, if you really want me to leave." And that's your last sentence before you turn around, leaving him completely behind.

Both of you were so sensitive at that moment and no one's know regrets comes faster than rollercoaster.

Two days later, you received a bucket of flower without the sender name, and the next day and the whole week. You keep getting your favorite flowers and you know who's behind all of this.

Kim Seokjin is the only one know about your favorite flowers. Like he said, who gonna accept you anyway? Seokjin is your first love and your last love, probably.

'Stop sending flowers already and just apologize you selfish man.' you sent the text message when you received the seventh bucket.

'Hey, you. Stop being so confident. Who said I'm gonna apologize?' He snap back in less than a minute. You grin, knowing he probably waiting for your text.

'Oh right? Then you wanted to say you're not the one who keep sending me the flowers asking for apologize?' You replied and nothing come in a minute which makes you frown.

"Got no reasons to back you up huh?? Psh, selfish man." You complaint to your phone as if he can heard you.

But that night, something unusual happened. As soon as you unlocked your front door, a good smell of food pleasing you and you can hear those cooking sounds coming like a melody in your ears.

He's there.

Which is weird. You always beg him to cook for you in your apartment, but he never did. Mostly he will bring you to his dorm and cook for you in there.

You makes your steps to the kitchen as slow as possible, you tip a toe, not planning to scare him but that's what you actually doing.

Knowing your ex boyfriend is kind of selfish scardy cat.

So the moment he feel your existence, he jumped a bit and scream, while you pretend like you didn't tip a toe all the way here.

"You scared me!!!"

"What are you doing here??" You crossed your arms, pretending to be annoyed while holding your laugh because his face is just too funny.

He cough few times before standing properly, obviously trying to look cool.

"We need to talk, but first let's settle your little tummy first." He said with cold voice and it's enough to makes you embarrassed.

You remember when he confessed to you and in the middle of the awkward silence before you answer him, your tummy growl loudly which makes him burst out laughing and you ended up in red.

That's how he always said, he need to take care of your little tummy first before anything else.

So after both of you having our dinner in peace - both of you really love to enjoying food without any interruption - the moment when a satisfied 'ahh' sounds coming from your lips, Seokjin know it's his time.

"Look, I'm sorry for everything." He started and you looked at him. He looks guilty and serious?

Serious doesn't match him, you thought.

"When I call you or text you, I always said, “hey, you,” coldly. I’m so bad. I said, 'I’m doing you a favor by dating you' actually I’m the one who clings to you. I know my words and action are as cold as ice to you but don’t be cold and avoid me. Unfreeze me, you're the only one who can do that."

"So, the flowers and apologize?"

"Yes. I admitted it. I sent all of them as my apologize, although it's not enough and I'm sorry for denying. I mean, I just don't get it. No matter how much I think about it. I don’t know why you left. Our fights aren't even that necessary. But I miss you so much." He confessed and mutter the last part silently.

"I miss you too." You smile and to your surprise, he looked up and widened his eyes at you.

"Y-you forgive me?" He asked and you nodded with an angelic smile. "This fast??" He continue and you nod again.

"B-but why???" He stood up from the chair and you were confused by his attitude.

So he want you to stay mad at him??

"I mean, I was always bad, you’re foolishly nice to me. I was ready to persuad and beg for you to come back, I’ll try to stick us together somehow but you are out here forgive me this easily??" He looks so furious.

"It makes me.... insecure. It looks so unbelievable. Like, I was scare if you're just pretending to forgive me but actually you don't love me anymore." He muttered it slower after he inhales deeply.

"I never know someone like Kim Seokjin might feel.insecure, especially about me, huh?" You smile as you walk closer to him. "I'm being sincere, I forgive you because I miss you too and I can't go on anymore without you. You admitted your faults and come back to me. I guess, it's more than enough."

"Really? You won't regret this later, right? Please, come back to my heart." He hold both of your hand tightly as he wait for your answers.

"I won't. Like you said, I'm not lovable who gonna accept me anyway besides you?" You use his word back at him and he pull you to his embrace, finally surround you with his warmness.

"I said that because I don't want you to go to anyone but me. You're so lovable, but don’t love if it’s not me. It doesn’t suit you, though it’s selfish of me. Don’t go far away, I’m not there. Your love is me and just me, though it’s selfish of me." He muttered near your ears as he hug you tighter.

"I won't go anywhere, selfish man and I only love you. Only you."

"Just don’t forget, remember that I’m here. Always here."

Theme Song: 사랑하지마 / But by Winner

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