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"I've been losing sleep, been thinking about the times I've let you down. If this is what you need, I have to let you go this time around." He said, seriously but it didn't last long until he shake his head.

"No, I can't let her go like that." He started to talk to himself.

"But this is wasting time Kim Seokjin. Both of you just stuck in the same spot." Again, he talked to his own reflection in the mirror.

Seokjin has been practicing, or more like discussing with himself about you, about the relationship that stuck in the middle of the chaos. The chaos of both of your feelings.

He loves you, that's for sure but he let you down so many times that he started to wondering if he's good enough for you.

At the same time, his selfish self still want to have you.

'Let's not meet each other for awhile.' that was your last words from him before leaving the shared apartment.

Both of you got into an argument because of his too-friendly gesture with a girl in a friend's party. A girl that crush on him to be specific.

You weren't a jealousy type, you gave him tolerance a lot but that night you just lost it. Seeing how he enjoyed her presence more than you makes your blood boiled. It got even worst when he trust her more than you, his own girlfriend.

'What is happening here?'

'Jin... I was trying to help her with the drink but seems like she really don't like me.' the girl played victim and Jin trusted her.

Before Jin arrive at the scene, she was mocking you and suddenly pour a glass of water to her own hair. Then she framed you.

'Seriously, I know you don't like her but I never think that you'll go that low!'

'Oh, right! Of course, you trust her rather than your own girlfriend! Fck it Seokjin! I'm leaving!'

You left the party and both of you had a heat argument later that night. Which is how you ended up leaving him in the shared apartment.

Few days later, Seokjin found out about the truth. Namjoon's girlfriend who witnessing the scene told him everything and being a good friend of Seokjin, Namjoon can't stay still and watch the beautiful relationship go down hill because of a misunderstanding. So he tell Seokjin everything.

He feel disappointed, angry and can't stop blaming himself.

'Apologize dude, I bet she would appreciate it. She wouldn't let you go that easy.' Namjoon would tell him but he just let out a frustrated sigh.

'No, Joon. You don't understand. This isn't the first time I let her down. I hurted her too many times that I started to wonder if she deserved someone like me? Like, she's too good for me.'

'Seriously, Seokjin! Did you hear yourself out? Both of you deserved each other! Stop saying non sense and call her!'

And that's how he ended up call you back to his apartment. You refuse at first but he insist after apologize for everything,

'Please, we have to talk. It's been a month.'

Then you finally agreed since you know he's right. It's now or never.

Both of you ended up sitting in silence with awkward space, side by side on the couch where you two used to cuddle each other.

It was weird.

"So.." he started after coughing few times.

"I've been trying everything, just to keep my mind off what we've lost. So I need to rethink, do I have to let you go this time around?" you cut him off loud and clear, makes him turned to you with his big eyes.

Surprise that you had a same thought with him.

"I- I was thinking the same too but I would change my mind fast." He messed up with his hair, remind of the argues he had with himself earlier before you arrive.

"And why is that?"

"Because whenever I think of you with someone else. I'm reminding myself I was so unfair and I got no excuse because I forgot you in it but I still want you."

No lies. His statement makes you feel warm. Oh, how much you miss those tender eyes. How much you miss him.

"Maybe I just need some time, yeah I do need some time just like you said to makes me realize what I've done to you." you didn't give him any answer so he slowly move closer and turn his body to face you properly.

"And maybe I just need some time from you too. I thought I could let you go this time but just like you, whenever I picture you with someone else. I told myself that I miss you here. I don't want no excuse, I just need you in it. I want you." you turned to face him either.

Kim Seokjin. Your Kim Seokjin.

"So you want me?" He broke the instense staring game with a slight smirk from his plump lips.

"I'm so complicated, I know but, Yes, I can't help it." you chuckles a little.

"Oh dear, love is always so complicated but I hope we always find our way back home."

Both of you was staring at each other lovingly when suddenly he ruined the mood.

"But please try to not being so jealous over small things."

"Kim Seokjin, it haven't even last for thirty minutes! Are you for real?!"

"I'm so complicated I know, but-"

"God! I'm tired!"

"But you love me!"

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