My Cinderella pt 2

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" Are you awake ? " I asked while walking out from my bathroom rubbing my wet hair. She gasp and look at me blankly,

" What happened with me? Where is this? " She said and I slowly approach her and sit on the bed where she laying. Seems like she realize that her hair was kinda wet and her dress has changed too. She looks surprised.

" Listen, calm down. This is my room. You're in here because you fell into the pool and drowned. So I managed to save you and here you are. Our female servants changed your dress, because you might get cold if you keep it. " I said slowly and seems like she try to remember the scene.

" And.... I'm sorry if I sound harsh before. I just..... "

" I knew Jin.... it will always be like this, thank you. You save my life, .... again. " she cut me and smile. Again ?

" wait, what do you mean by again ? We just met tonight, didn't we? " I asked and she shook her head looking down.

" You forgot it right? Back then, when I was 7 and you was 12. You save my life when I was drowning in the beach at Jeju. At that time our Royal Family was had a yearly meeting and it was held in Jeju. So, you and your family came too. You save me twice. You forget? " She explain and the scene flashback in my head.

I remember now.

" You know what, ever since then I already fell for you. Sound stupid huh? At first I thought it was just some chilhood stories and I might be just adores you. But the fact hates me. I can't forget you even a day in my life. So, after knew about the announcement of tonight party I was so excited to meet you again. But.... " she stopped and I look at her. She look up and look at me. " why you save me again ? If you really dislike me, you might just leave me. " She continue.

I look at her, and guilty hits my heart. I can see that she mean it, everything she said. It's not that I hate her, but I just, " Chaemi, listen. I never say I dislike you and honestly I don't know why I save you just now, my heart only told me to do so.. " I sound hesitate, I also not sure why I was so panic back then.

" I'm sorry of what I already said to you okay, forgive me. " I said sincerely.

" Enough Jin, I knew it's not gonna working. We're not mean to be. I'm done trying, I'm going home. " She said and get out from my bed.

I don't know what got into me, but I don't want her to leave yet, so I pull her and she fall to my embrace. Our eyes meet, and she blush.

" You give up that fast ? " I ask while staring at her eyes. She tried to remove my grip, but failed.

" Let me go. What should I do? You don't want me, should I begging you to date me, huh? " She said half yelling, maybe she's get mad? Girls are hard to understand.

" I didn't say I don't want you. I just don't like it this way. If we meet in other way, be friend, and getting to know each other first, maybe I will fall for you. Not in this kind of party. But maybe just tonight you can be my cinderella. " I said slowly and she look at me disbelief. " and then tomorrow, we can start to know each other, let's discover things from each other, we need to fill those moments we missed. Let's take it slow. We don't need to rush this right? " she getting more shock and jaw dropped.

" A... are you serious? " She shuttered and I nod while smiling look at her cute expression.

" Let's go back to the party, if you feel okay? " I asked her and she shook her head.

" I can't go out like this, don't you see how terrible I am right now? " I look at her and chuckles, as if she know what I've been thinking, " what are you thinking? I look bad isn't ? " she pout and look down.

" You still look pretty and I should admit that I prefer this kind of Chaemi than the silent Chaemi. " I joke and she pinched me.

" Let's go, I'm gonna make you my Cinderella tonight. " I said and pull her out of my room with me.


Holding her hand, I walk out with her and everybody seems mesmerized with us. She tighten her grip and whispering to me,

" Am I look okay? Why they keep staring at me? " I chuckles and whisper back to her,

" First, you look okay. Second they were staring at me, not you. " I joke and she pinch me again slowly.

"Yah Jin! Stop joking, anyway where you got all this dresses and shoes? You had a good taste. I like it. " She said and I tell her that it was from my sister room, she had bunch of it and she won't mind if I take some of it.

I really don't expect this party will gone well and my parents and hers feel happy after I explain to them. We want to start getting know each other first. Surprisingly My Dad agreed on me for the first time in my life.

Well, unbelievable. We dance, and having fun all night. Chaemi is incredibly nice and charming. She also get along with the boys, and they said she's what I need this whole time.

The important thing is, she loves me for freaking years, without knowing the fact if I have feelings for her or not. She's such a loyal princess and I admire her innocence soul. Then when we were watching the last fireworks at the poolside of my mansion, and suddenly she pull me closer and whisper to me,

" If I can turn back time, I will still choose to fall into the pool so I can be your Cinderella tonight. " She grin and I chuckles at how cute she is.

" and don't ever do that again, because I might be not by your side everytime. I think, I need to teach you how to swim now. "

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