Beautiful Dancer

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You scroll down your Twitter feed only to find out BTS's fanbases keep updating about BTS's photos with their back dancers and band members which makes you giggles a bit.

Not because of the photo its self, it's because you're part of them too.

Yes, you're one of the BTS's back dancers.

You've been with them for around one year and it's an unexplainable joyous feeling. It was tiring but it makes you happy, so you never mind it.

Everything was fine until you start to developing feeling for one of the members. It's a forbidden love.

You know it's not right.

You're his back dancer, and you're not supposed to having feeling for him, but you know you can't control it and in last dance practice you braven yourself to do something you wanted to do.


“One more, one more.” Other yelled for another group shots with BTS.

You just smiling at the scenes, all of you blend together. BTS are so friendly to all of dancers although they're a well-known idol now.

After take more few shots, it's finally done and they were checking on it.

Slowly your eyes automatically shifted to him in this crowded room.

“It's now or never. You need to do it before he left!” you said to yourself in your mind.

With that thought, you walk to him naturally and pat his wide amazing shoulder, makes him turn to you and widened his eyes.

“H-hey...” Jin greet you.

Does he just stuttered?

“Jin-ah, mind to take one selca together?” you asked naturally, but deep inside you were shaking.

“O-oh, sure. Sure.” He agreed and come to you who alrdy holding your phone.

Both of you starting took a few pose until you satisfied with the result.

“It's more than one selca.” He teased you and you laughed.

“Sorry, you're too handsome, I can't help it.” you muttered and shocked by your own sentence.

Glance up at him, you saw him chuckling.

‘Wow, did angel just chuckling in front of me?’


Still staring at those selca you had with Jin, you were debating inside if you should post the photo or not.

Hesitantly you click the upload button and in seconds the photo was published and visible to everyone who followed you.

You regret your action just in the next minutes. Put down your phone, you groan and let out desperate sigh.

“What are you doing? What you expect from him? Like he would call you??” you muttered by yourself sarcastically.

But then something makes you jumped a bit to notice it was only your notification tone.

Sighing, you took back your phone and notice a new DM in your twitter.

“YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!” You drop your phone on the ground as you quickly stood up.

“Kim Seokjin just DM-ed me!!!”

“Why are you so panic??? You meets him oftenly and talks to him.”

“But he just DM-ed me!!!!”

“Stop being so high! It's just a DM! You don't even know what he say yet.”

“Ah, true. True. Oh my, my phone!”

“Right, you just throw away your phone that you bought by your first salary as a back dancer!”

That's it.

Jin DM-ed you through his personal twitter and you keep making conversation with yourself.

You quickly squatting down and grab your phone, slowly but sure you tap on the notification, but quickly close your eyes in seconds,

⠀⠀⠀only to peek over it again.

‘Finally, you posted it. What took you so long? Kekekeke~’

Your eyes feels like popped out. If you can maybe your heart will jumped out from your body.

“Am I dreaming??? W-WHAT... HOW COME?! HE... D-DID HE STALKED ME??”

“W-wait, why did I act like pathetic fangirl???”

Again and again I makes conversation with my self.

The next seconds, you start to rolling on your bed debating about what you should reply him.

With your shaking hands, you started to type.

‘Ah~ I just saw lot of friends post the photos, so when I look at my gallery, I found this photo, keke~ why? Are you waiting for it? ’

Before you hit the send button, you read it back and stare at it.

“This ain't right. I sounds too excited, am I?” you asked yourself.

“What should I reply?” you tap your fingers on your chin while thinking but then,

Your phone betray you when you accidentally drop it and hit the send button.

“. . . Y-you're such a mess.” you muttered and facepalming yourself.

Beep! Beep!

“Oh Godness!” you squealed and open the notification in a blink.

'Well, kinda. Hey, can you send me those photos to katalk? Give me your ID.'

‘Ohh, sure. My ID is *********’

Once you hit the send button, you stood up and walk back and forth in your room, panic and nervous.

Less than a minute, your KaTalk's notification beep makes you jumped a bit.

‘Heyy beautiful dancer, mind sending me those photos? I'm the handsome Jin by the way.’

BTS JIN Oneshots 《COMPILATION》✓Where stories live. Discover now