Chapter 2: Someone Save Me

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Tonight has been the longest night of my life. I went home after my game to find out my parents are getting a divorce. Then on top of that I may be moving away depending on how the divorce ends. I planned on getting nasty drunk so I rode with Chase. However, I didn't take one sip tonight I guess I was too distracted thinking.

"Hey have you seen Chase"? "I saw him earlier outside with that sophomore jawn a little while ago." Matt said. "Sophomore?" I shake my head. "Yeap. I don't know when he'll learn." Matt walked off.

Chase was an old ass 12th grader. He was 20 years old but since he didn't look it no one really knew. Girls his own age paid no attention to him since he was still in high school. I headed out the door and went towards Chase car. I realized that him and the girl from earlier were in there but they were struggling.

"STOP!" She yelled. "Didn't I tell you not to do that you stupid hoe!" Chase yelled.

I quickly opened the door and pulled Chase by the back of his shirt out of the car. Chase turned around ready to fight until he realized who I was.

"What are you doing man"? "Nothing this stupid girl is such a fucking tease. One minute she wants me then the next she doesn't!" Chase says out of breath. "You fucking liar. You tried to rape me!" The girl yells.

My eyes grow wide as I heard the word "rape". Chase looked at me and attempted to say something but I punched him. He looked at me in disbelief and came towards me. We fought for a couple of minutes until I saw blood on his face.

"My nose! My motherfucking nose!" Chase screamed. "Serves you right Chase! What the fuck has gotten into you man!"

Chase says nothing he just gets into his car and zooms off into the night. I stand there confused and upset about the whole situation.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked me.

I turned around and saw the girl with tear stains on her face. Her shirt was slightly ripped and her hair was kind of wild. She held onto her jacket very tightly to her heart.

"I'm good. What about you?"

She said nothing she just slightly smiled at me. We both stood by the curb silent.

"Do you have a ride home?" I asked. "No." The girl mumbled. "I'm Kenny." I reached my hand out to her.

She stared at my hand not sure what to do.

"I'm Toni." She finally said. "Well Toni. Where do you live"? "I live on the North side of town." She mumbles. "The North side?" I say shocked. "Yeah." She says.

"Well I live a couple blocks from here. We can walk to my house and I'll drive you home in my car."

"Okay." Toni says slowly trailing behind me down the street.

By the time we got to my house Toni had opened up to me. She was joking and laughing and having fun.


We walked up to his driveway and Kenny handed me his car keys and got in the passenger seat.

"Kenny I can't drive."

"Well tonight you're going to learn." Kenny says chuckling. "What do I do first?" I nervously ask. "Turn the car on and adjust the seat and mirrors if you need to." Kenny says.

I glare at him.

"You know damn well I need to adjust the seat and the mirrors." I chuckle. "Okay after that seat belts. Then press the brake down and put the car in reverse. Ease off the brake but don't take your foot off of it." Kenny says.

I do as I was told and I was so excited. I was driving for the first time!

"Okay now put the car in drive and lets get you home." Kenny said laying back in the seat.

I pull up to a red light and abruptly stop. Kenny glares at me and shakes his head.

"We're going to have to work on your stopping." He chuckles. "Well it is my first time. What did you expect?"

We pulled up to my house and I stopped smoothly. Kenny looks at me and starts clapping.

"Congrats!" Kenny says. "Thank you". "I'm really sorry about tonight Chase is a jerk." Kenny says. "Correction he's an asshole.Well thanks again Kenny." I say getting out the car. "No prob." Kenny says pulling off.

Tshh!Tshh!Tshh! I wake up to rocks being thrown at my window. I open the window and a pebble hits me in the forehead.

"Ouch!" I whisper. "Sorry." Kenny replies. "What are you doing here?" I ask shocked. "To bring you back your phone." Kenny tosses the phone to me.

He smiles at me then jogs off to a car full of guys and vanish into the night.

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