Chapter 11: It Can't Be

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"Baby wake up. You don't want to be late for school." Kenny whispered in my ear before licking my neck. "I don't want to go Ken. Lets just stay here together and let the day pass us by." I whined running my hands through his hair. "I wish I could but I can't. I have practice today and a history test." Kenny pulled the sheets off of my body and picked me up. "Shower or bathtub?" Kenny asked placing me on the counter. 

"Bathtub. I'm very sore from last night." I winked at Kenny and bit my lip. Kenny ran water into the tub and put some bubbles into the water. "You've got 20 minutes so make it snappy." Kenny kissed me then disappeared. 

I got out did the rest of my hygiene and then got dressed. I could me smell breakfast being cooked. I could also hear Kenny, Veronica and Chris downstairs rapping along to a song. I sat at the counter and watched them clown around while eating breakfast. Kenny put he dishes in the dishwasher then grabbed his keys. 

"Everyone ready?" Kenny scanned the room smiling at everyone waiting for their answer. Veronica and Chris ran off out the door flirting with each other. 

"You think you're going to leave this house without giving me a kiss?" Kenny pulled me into him and hugged me tightly. "Ken we have to get going. Plus Veronica and Chris are waiting." Kenny completely ignored everything I said and placed his lips on mine. Our lips moved in rhythm as Kenny picked me up and placed me on the counter. 

"I'll be by your house to pick you up at the regular time." Toni pecked my lips once more before moving away from me. "Took you two long enough!" Veronica smacked Kenny on the back of his head making him jump. "Hey. I had something important to handle." Kenny started the car and we headed off to my high school. 

We pulled up to a red light and I looked over at the local gas station. I did a double take and saw my dad pumping gas to an unfamiliar car. Soon a woman came out smiling and giggling while walking towards my father. He smiled back and took a juice out of her hand and pecked her lip.

The light turned green and the traffic slowly drifted down the road. 

"Toni are you okay?" Kenny shook my arm. "Yeah I'll see you later." I quickly hopped out the car and ran into the school. 


"I'll be right back you guys." I hopped out of my car and headed towards where I thought Toni could had went. The baseball team has played a couple of games here but I've never been in the school. Everyone was staring and whispering as I walked through the halls. Finally I spotted Toni at her locker. 

"Are you okay?" Toni turned to me frightened and embarrassed. She looked around to see everyone looking at us. "Ken you shouldn't be here. I don't want anything to happen." Toni whispered to me while backing away. "Why are you treating me like I'm a stranger?" I asked walking towards Toni but someone rudely interrupted her. 

"Because she is a stranger to you Edmonds! Now leave or be thrown out!" Michael eyes were boiling with rage and his jaw was clenched. "I need to talk to Toni." I stared back at Michael sternly. I wasn't going to let him think he ran me off. "For what?" Michael grew more angry as the crowd of kids around us got bigger. 

"Toni why does this piece of shit want to talk to you?" Michael focused his attention on Toni. She stood there like a deer in headlights, she was speechless and frozen. I had never seen her like that before and it really made me nervous. Toni looked at me and quickly made her way through the crowd. Michael ran behind her calling her name. I soon left and headed to my school. 

"I think she broke up with me?" I whispered to Veronica in spanish class. "What would make you think that? Did she say she wanted to break up?" Veronica looked at me shocked and curious. "No but she hasn't texted me back and treated me like a nobody when I tried to comfort her this morning."

"She'll come around in the mean time you just get your head ready for this game tonight." Veronica yelled making the teacher glare at us. "Could you be any louder?" I squinted my eyes up in frustration. "Actually yes I can!" Veronica's voice rose even louder. 

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