Chapter 23: The Elephant In The Room II

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These last two days have been hell. Kenny and I have been arguing nonstop, and when we aren't arguing he's avoiding me. Somethings off with Mike, he gets super nervous around me. Janet is Janet, shopping until she drops but she's being odd too.

"Mike and I are going to this car show later today." Kenny says abruptly. "Oh he talks." I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes. Kenny walks off mumbling something that I can't understand.

"So when did you and my brother become so close?"

"The other night. We actually have a lot in common besides baseball." Kenny brushed his hair and sprayed on cologne. "Who are you getting cute for and why do you have to smell good?"

"Because I don't think you'll like me ugly and smelly." Kenny pecks my cheek and walks out the bedroom.

Kenny, Mike and Janet are gone. Kenny and Mike to a car show and Janet went shopping and to the spa. She asked me to go but I politely declined her friendship once again.

My mind begins to race. What's everyone hiding? Kenny and I came up here happy and was happy up until Mike and Janet arrived. Does Mike know about Chad and I? Is that the reason why everyone isn't talking? Could Janet and Kenny save me from Mike's wrath.

I know I shouldn't do this but hell everything done in the dark will come to the light.

I tiptoed into Mike's and Janet room and did a little snooping. Why would she have positive pregnancy test just laying around? I open a bag and its full of them. Hell she won't miss one so I take it and open it. I know I'm not pregnant but Janet is sneaky so you've got to be 10 steps ahead of her.

"What the fuck!" I shout out in confusion.

My brain is scrambled right now. This is crazy and the lowest thing ever. I take the test and head to my bedroom and hid the test. I look over to see Kenny's phone on the bed. A grin comes across my face as I hop on the bed. I easily unlock the phone and search.

15 minutes later the shuffling of feet can be heard and soon Kenny emerges. 5 minutes into searching I had seen too much but now I just had to piece everything together.

"How was that car show?" I ask trying to pretend to care. "Baby it was amazing." Kenny took off his shirt and hopped into the bed. "Amazing than
spending time with me?"

"Never." Kenny kisses me but his kisses aren't the same. Usually they're passionate, soft, sweet kisses. However, now they're rough and rigid with no thought into them. I know there's something wrong and his kisses just confirmed it.

"Lets talk." I pull back causing Kenny to look at me concerned. "Why? I mean we're all alone, let's have some fun." Kenny attacks my neck with kissing and biting. "We can do that after."


I sit up and face Toni. Whatever she ask I'll answer truthfully no matter how much it may hurt.

"Do you love me?" Toni asked. "Of course with every fiber in my body."

"Have you ever lied to me?" Toni shifted on the bed. "Sadly, yes and it killed me inside.

"Is it about how we met?" Toni asked and I looked at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"The night we met, at the party. Was it  genuine or not?" Toni crossed her arms. "Tone. Look before you get upset."

"Omg. I can't believe this." Toni tries to get off the bed but I grab her. "You're over exaggerating. Let me tell you what happened. After I tell you this it may change everything but I want you to know that I love you very much."

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