Chapter 32:Petals Of Love

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I woke up to a terrible rainstorm with thundering and lighting flashing through the room. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. All I remember was my mom pressuring me and I passed out.

Omg now I'm going crazy and hearing beeping noises. I put my hand in my head and realized that I had IVs in my arm.

I'm in the hospital?

I look around the dark room and my eyes start to adjust. Where's Kenny? I heard the toilet flush and someone washing their hands. Oh he's in the restroom. The door opened and there stood my mother.

"Baby I'm so happy you finally woke up." My mother turned on the light and rushed to me. I just stared at her because this was odd. She was judging, yelling and acting a fool now she's worried about me?

"Where's Kenny?" My mother looked at me and sighed. "Baby he couldn't handle this. I asked him when he was coming back and in so many words he told me he wasn't. I begged him to stay because I finally see how much you two mean to each other. But he wouldn't baby I'm so sorry." My mother whispered holding me tightly.

Kenny wouldn't leave me! Would he? I mean we love each other. We're engaged for crying out loud! I don't believe it! I can't believe it!

"Where Miley?"

"Baby he's on his way he should be here any minute now." My mother spoke and like clockwork he appeared. He immediately looked at me and started crying.

"I just passed out in fine."

"I know sis it's just the sight of seeing you in that hospital bed terrifies me." Michael says wiping the tears running down his cheeks. "You're such a baby." Michael sat next to me and nudged me, "So are you."

I want to ask Mike about Kenny but I can't. My mother is here looking and listening to everything we do.

"Mom maybe you should go home and rest. Michael is here with me to keep me company."

"No I definitely won't be able to rest knowing you're in here." My mother smiled. "No mom you really should." Michael insisted. "Didn't I just tell y'all no! Now hush before I get angry!" My mother yelled.


I woke up to the sounds of the ocean hitting against the shoreline. I feel like shit right now. Toni is in the hospital and I don't know what's going on. I get up and shower and walk around the beach house. This place feels so empty without her.

I start packing suitcases of clothes with tears in my eyes. I don't want to do this but I have to. This is what's best for the both of us. If Toni's mother doesn't want us together that's cool with me. I don't want the drama so it's best if I stay away. I've been texting Mike and he hasn't responded so my decision is officially. There's no purpose here for me now.

"You want to come out to Miami and sigh your contract? Are you sure Kenny?" Coach asked. "Yes sir I'm sure. I've thought long and hard and this is what's best."

"Okay I'll send the teams private jet out to pick you up. It'll be there by 6 tonight." Coach said before hanging up the phone. I looked at the clock and it was just going on 9 A.M. I got in my car and rushed off down the road.

"So we aren't cool anymore?" I yell to Michael in the hospitals parking garage. "Don't give me that shit, my mother told me everything!" Michael said through gritted teeth. "Yeah a bunch of bullshit!"

"Are you calling my mother a liar?" Michael got in my face and pushed my. "Yup."

Michael looked at me then smiled. "Yeah that story she told me didn't sound like you. She's been watching Toni and I like a hound dog." Michael shrugged. "I need you to get her out of that hospital and those police officers away from the door."

"The officers are gone but I don't know about my mom. But for you I'll think of something." Michael said. "Could you do something like right now? I kind of have somewhere to be."

"You're going to Miami? Great choice!" Michael said hugging me. He then went to his car and pulled out a jack. Then he went and scratched up his mothers car and smashed the drivers window.

"MOM! Someone has messed up your car come quick!" Michael yelled through the phone. "Good looking bro."

I quickly walked up 3 flights of stairs and rode the elevator the next 2 floors. I opened the door and Toni was there alone watching tv. Her eyes light up when she saw me and my heart began to beat fast.

"I was worried sick about you."

We began to make out until I remembered my plan. Toni only had a heart monitor tracker on her. I snatched it off and handed her a bag. "Put these clothes on." Toni said nothing she just quickly did what I requested.

"Ready." Toni said a second later and grabbed my hand. We walked out hand in hand of the hospital. We quickly got in the cab and headed back home to say our final goodbyes to the beach house.

"Thank you baby!" Toni excited said pecking my cheek. I looked at the time and it was 5:30. I grabbed Toni's hand and we took another cab to the airport.

"Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds we are about to take off. Please buckle your seat belts and enjoy the ride." The pilot said over the loud speaker.

"I love you." Toni said making me blush. "I love you too."

Well everyone that's it! "Petals of Love" is complete!

Did you think Kenny really was going to leave Toni behind?😂 I couldn't end ToniFace even in a book. 😩

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"Taking Risks: With My Stepson" will be out Saturday night!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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