Chapter Two - Accidents

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Harry's P.O.V.

We were in the middle of rehearsal every thing was going great. We had been practicing for two hours so we took a fifteen minute break. Things had been going great and it was probably one of the best rehearsals we had had in a while. Last month Zayn and Perrie got married and took a two week honeymoon so we really didn't get any chance to have a real rehearsal, but that is okay cause now they are back and we have a concert next week at the rose garden in Portland Oregon.

After the fifteen minute break we all met back on the stage. We quickly started rehearsing again when all of a sudden I heard someone yell. I quickly looked at the other boys to see Louis falling. By the time I could react it was to late. Louis Tomlinson had fallen off the stage. We all raced over to his side. he claimed to be fine, so we helped him up. As we started to walk Louis yelled again.


"What's wrong?" I asked worried,

"I can't walk or place any pressure on my right foot. I think I sprained my ankle!" he said

Zayn called Simon and he said to get Louis to the hospital for a checkup and that he was in a meeting so keep him updated. He would be there as soon as possible.

Niall and Liam carried Louis out to the car and we all got in.

When we got to the hospital, Niall and Liam carried Louis in and took a seat as I went to the front desk to talk to the lady. The lady said that she would get the doctor and they should be ready to see us in about ten minutes. I took a seat next to Louis so it was Zayn, Liam, Niall, Louis and me all sitting in that order, in a circle waiting for the doctor. With two seats left open between Zayn and I.

While waiting for the doctor, a young teenage girl and an adult ran in the front doors over to the front desk. I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying but it sounded like they asked for the room number of two different people. The only thing I knew for sure was that the lady asked them to sit down, and that the girl looked scared and sad. She was crying and kept trying to pop her fingers nervously. The older lady had the same expression but she kept texting someone.

They sat down in the last two chairs in the waiting area. The only thing the girl said was "Do you think they will be okay, Aunt Debbie"

"I don't know, Kathryn. I don't know" was all she replied.

I saw a tear slip from her eye. It was then followed by more. I looked at the guys, then looked at the girl. She looked up at me and smiled. Obviously she recognized us. She didn't ask for an auto graph or a picture with us and I was happy she didn't, but a little surprised. She must be really upset or she isn't a fan. The lads and I all looked at each other once she looked back down. They all looked like they were thinking the same thing as me.

Fifteen minutes went bye before a nurse came and got us. As we were walking away I heard the lady tell the girl and her aunt that they could go see who ever it was they were there for. The girl ran to us and into the elevator we were in. Her aunt did the same thing.

I looked at Louis, who was now in a wheel chair. He looked at me and then to the girl.

"Love what's your name?" he asked her.

"Kathryn Rose." she replied not even looking at him.

He grabbed her hand "What's wrong love?"

She looked at her aunt and then to Louis" Mr. Tomlinson, my parents were in a huge car crash and are now both in ICU." she started to cry again.

"I am sorry love" he said

She looked at him again "For what, it isn't like you were the idiot dunk guy, who swerved into the their lane and hit them head on."she pulled her hand away and placed it in her pocket so Louis couldn't hold it again. She started to cry even harder and was obviously very upset and mad at who ever the guy was.

Lou just looked at me. He looked sad, like he truly felt bad for the girl. I knew how he felt cause I did too and by the looks on the other lads faces they did too. The elevator stopped on the ninth floor and she rushed off followed by her aunt. The doors closed again.

"That's terrible, I feel so bad for the poor little thing." Niall said breaking the silence. I looked at him and he had tears in his eyes ready to fall at any moment.

"Me too" I replied

"So do I" Louis commented

Then the nurse spoke for the first time since we left the waiting area

"I recognize the last name. If it is who I think it is, both of her parents are on life support and they are sure the dad won't make it, but they think the mom will. They will be taking the dad off life support in the morning, once she has had a chance to say her good byes."

We all looked at each other. We all had the same look on our faces. A look of sadness and we all had tears in our eyes, except for Niall who was already crying.

The elevator door opened and we were on the tenth floor. We dried our eyes and followed the nurse into a room.

"The doctor will be with you in a little, he is with that girl's parents right now."the nurse said as she walked out of the room shutting the door behind her.

"I feel so bad for the girl! What did she say her name was?" Zayn asked

"Her name was Kathryn, and I feel bad for her too!" Louis replied

"I hope she is okay!" commented Niall

"Me too!" added Liam

"I wish we could get to know her, she seems really nice." I said looking down at the ground.

"Maybe we will run into her again before we leave, and we can talk to her and get to know her." Louis chimed in, with a smile.


The doctor came with the ex rays.

"Well Mr. Tomlinson, you seam to have broken you tibia in two spots and your fibula in one spot." Said the doctor "You will need to be on crunches for a month and in a boot for another month."

"What!" he exclaimed

"You will not be able to walk on your leg for about a month"

"Huh" Louis said. He looked like he was going to faint.

"You will need surgery"

"No" Louis said with a very serious face

"You will have to stay here for a couple of nights"

"Please tell me you are joking, or there has been some sort of mixup or something" he pleaded

"A nurse will be in later with a gown and you may have on person stay with you over night while you are here."

"Wait so will I be able to perform next week?" Louis asked very worried

"I don't know for sure. It will depend on how everything goes. If you do you can't dance around on the stage."

"Sorry, you will have surgery tomorrow at 12:00"

That was all it took for Louis to faint.

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