Chapter Thirty-Five - Can't Take the Pain

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Kathryn's P.O.V

I woke up from a restless sleep. I looked to find Emily still asleep. I turned around at the sound of the door opening. My aunt walked in and sat next to me.

"Kathryn, why don't you go out and get some fresh air. I'll stay with Emily tell you get back, okay?" I nodded and stood.

I walked to the door; stopping to take another look at my dying sister. I walked out and to the elevator. Once I reached the main level, I left the hospital. I walked to a near by coffee shop. After getting me something to drink, I walked a little further and took a sezat on a near by street bench. I sat and thought for a little bit. I did my best to clear my head and just relax.

"Excuse me?" I heard a voice say.

I turned to see a girl about my age, fourteen years old. She had blond curls and was wearing a baby blue shirt with One Direction on it.

"Are you Kathryn Rose?" She asked.

"Umm, yeah. What can I do for you?" I replied.

"Could I please get an autograph and maybe a picture?" She held out a small note pad and pen along with a camera.

I nodded to the girl and took her pen and note pad. I signed a blank page and then took the camera. I took a picture with her and handed back the camera.

"Kathryn, can I tell you something?" She asked.

"Of coarse you can." I answered.

"You have been such a huge insperation and I love and thank you for that. Seeing and knowing what you are going through reminds me that it is possible to get through everything in my life. I want to thank you because you are the reason I am still here today." What she said hit me hard.

She gave me a hug and then walked away. I took a moment to try and comprehend everything she told me. I was the reason she was still here. That's the reason for all this, so I could be the reason this world didn't lose another young girl. It may not be the onlyt reason but it has to be one of them. I am going through this so I can be the reason that girls lives. I gave her hope.

As I walked back to the hotel, I couldn't help the smile on my face. It really meant a lot to know I was the reason for someone else's hope. I was the girl's role model. This gave me hope to one day make a greater change and a bogger impact on peoples' lives.

I entered Emily's room and she was awake, but she didn't look good. I rushed to her side and held her hand in both of mine. Her eyes were barely open and she looked more pale then ever before. I knew this moment would come, but I prayed it never would. Tears rolled down my face as I watched Emily slowly die right before my very eyes.

"Kathryn, listen to me. I am so , so very sorry. I never would have made that promise if I had known I couldn't keep it. Don't ever forget me, don't ever forget the memories. Promise, promise me you'll wait for the right guy and not rush anything. Promise me you won't let this One Direction stuff go to your head. Promise me that you won't letmy passing hold you back. At some point you have to let go. I know you will islolate yourself but please, please don't block out the world forever. Go after your dreams and don't let anyone ever change you. But most importantly, never forget... How much I love you."

I sobbed as I watched Emily's eyes flutter.

"Remember our theme song?" I nodded. "Whenever you miss me just listen to that song and look at all our old selfies. Remember all the good times."

"I will." I sobbed.

"Sing it. I want to leave this world with the sound of your voice ringing in my ears. I want to leave with you singing our theme song." I nodded in reply to my sister's request.

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