Chapter Twenty-One - Broken Glass & Giving In

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Niall's P.O.V

We returned to the hotel a week ago. The nurse had warned that Kathryn needs to be careful. If she falls under depression, or stresses out to much she can end up back in the hospital. She also has to stay hydrated. Considering the circumstances, it is going to be even harder on her from now on. I'm just glad she will be coming on tour with us. Emily will be coming and getting Kathryn tomorrow. They are going back to their house for a couple of days so they can spend time together before Kathryn has to leave for a couple of months. She will be returning in a couple of months when we get our first 'real' break for a week, but that isn't until February or March.

Currently, Kathryn was in her room and had been for most of the day. Harry was making dinner and I was watching football. After about an hour, Harry finally finished dinner. I went to go get Kathryn, but when I knocked on her door she didn't answer. I carefully opened the door and stepped in. I found her sitting on the side of her bed, legs hanging over the edge, from her knees down. She was looking at something on her iPod. She didn't look up when I walked up to her and sat down next to her.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"Photos...... Of my mom and dad." She quietly answered.

She never looked away from her screen. I heard a sniffle come from her and I placed my arms around her shoulder. I pulled her close trying to comfort her.

"Dinners ready. Why don't we go eat?" She nodded and we left her room.

We sat down around the table and started eating. After sitting there in silence for about twenty minutes, I looked at Kathryn. She was pushing her food around her plate with her fork. She hadn't eaten a single bite. She stood up and walked back to her room. I was afraid she had give in to isolation. I looked at Harry and he had 'worry' written all over his face.

"I'm sure she is fine." I tried to assured him, but I was still very worried myself.

He sighed and we continued eating in silence. After dinner, everyone came over to watch football. Kathryn came out and was sitting in between Louis and I. I felt bad for her, because mine and Louis' favorite teams were playing each other and we kept cheering really loud. After the third quarter she got up and left. She disappeared into the hallway. We all jumped when a door slammed shut. I heard a yell/scream and we all jumped up. Running to her room and started banging on the door.

Kathryn's P.O.V

I walked to my room, slamming my door. I locked the door behind me. I couldn't take it any longer. The felling only got stronger by the minute. In the last couple of days, I have tried to spend time with the boys..... but I couldn't. I got annoyed and the feeling only increased. I had no other choice. I had spent all day in my room, looking at pictures and remembering all the good times I had spent with my parents. I was in tears off and on all day. I finally accepted the fact that they were really gone and they weren't coming back. By accepting this, I also was finally giving into isolation.

I had my music playing. The song was 'lead me to the cross' I listened to every word. The song kept repeating. I grabbed my shirt where my heart was. It hurt. My chest hurt. It really felt like my heart was being pulled out of my chest. Like it was being shattered into a million pieces and then someone stepping on it, crushing it in to smaller pieces. Just like it was made of glass. I cried out in pain. I heard the boys run to the door. I heard Niall knock on the door. He begged me to let him in. The pain got worse and I screamed. It was silent for a second before I heard a bunch if voices yelling at me to let them in. I fell to the ground. I laid there crying and yelling/screaming. The pain was to much to bare. Suddenly I heard the lock click and the door opened. I ignored them and continued to crying out in pain.

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