Chapter Thirty-Four - Fight

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Told you I would update Sunday!!! You are in for a real surprise. Hope you enjoy!!! Vote, comment, and share!!!

Kathryn's P.O.V

I can't believe how fast time has gone by. I hate it, I hate everything. What's going on, you might ask? Well, it's already May. May 1st to be exact. Why do I hate everything? 'Cause I'm standing to the side of Emily's hospital bed, I haven't spoke to Ty in over a week, my nightmares have gotten worse and no one is here for me at night. I'm tired, hungry and all around just a total mess. My life is falling a part, my heart is shattering and I feel alone. The worst part is, I don't have a clue how to fix it.

My parents are gone, Emily is leaving, I'm afraid of losing Ty and the guys are halfway across the globe. Due to the crazy time change, I haven't spoke to them in almost three weeks. Of coarse I have been spending every second of every day with Emily. Last night Emily past out and I called 911. Beforethat though, we were looking through old photos and talking. We were in tears for the most part, talking about the memories we shared... Talking about our parents.

I told her about Ty and she said to relax and leave him alone. She said to give him space. That he would come back and things would be back to normal between us again.

I just can't believe that last night everything was fine and now it's all falling to pieces. Menatally I knew things weren't fine bt they just felt like they were, just for once everything felt fine. Now, I stand here watching my own sister sleep. It breaks my heart to know that she's so fragile and she is slowly dieing.

"Kathryn?" I was pulled from my thoughts by a firmiliar voice. Was I dreaming or were they really here?

"Kathryn, we need to talk." Sure enough I turned around to face Ty.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"Why don't we take this somewhere else." He suggested. As much as I dont want to leave my sister, I trust Ty and if he says we need to take this somewhere else... I might as well listen.

I followed Ty down to the garden. The same garden I poured my emotions out in, only to be heard by Harry. I sat down on the bench, execting Ty to sit down, but he never did.

"Now, I need you to listen and stay calm." I nodded slowly, waiting for him to continue. "I'm dating Taylor." I looked down, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

"How long?" I asked, still not looking at him.

"Two weeks." There was a short pause. "Kathryn, we can't be friends any more." My head snapped up, eyes swelling with tears.

"What?" I was confused, my voice was small, high pitched and shaky.

"Please stay calm and listen-" I cut him off.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" I yelled. "How am I suppose to do that?! I thought you were my friend and would be there for me. I thought you understood, but obviously I was wrong. I can't believe this. My parents are gone, my sister is dieing and right when I need you most, you going to bail on me. I'm alone now. How can I stay calm and listen when I am losing everyone that has ever mattered most to me in my life?!" After my small rampage, my voice was quiet, barely hearable. "I can't believe I am completely alone." My voice cracked at the end.

"What about your other family?" He questioned.

"You seriously don't understand, do you?" He shook his head no. "Ty, No one can give me the same motherly and fatherly love as my parents did. No one will ever be there to give me advise on boys or help me kill who ever hurts me, like my sister does. No one is going to be there to pull me from my shell and help me get through everything like you do. No one will be there to hold me close and wipe away the tears when I don't have the strength to do it on my own. No one will ever make me feel the same way I did with my parents and Emily. Most of all... No one will ever be able to fill your spot and make me feel the way you make me feel. We have a friendship and bond that was unlike any other." I walked past him and out the door. Tears rolled down my face non-stop.

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