Chapter Eighteen - Pushing Your Own Limits

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Kathryn's P.O.V

I had made up my mind. I was going to be strong. I couldn't grieve over this. It wasn't going to help. I would only be wasting my time. If I shut myself off from the world, I would probably never come back. I knew the boys were worried about me. I could here it in their voices when they were trying to talk to me. I was shattered to pieces and I didn't think I had any way of fixing it. It was killing me. I would have to return to school and at some point act like things were okay. One problem... things weren't fine and I didn't know how on earth I was suppose to act like it was. Ty and Damien would be worried and I wouldn't be able to tell them anything without loosing it and crying. I couldn't do that. I needed to be strong and move on; that is what my parents would want for me. My sister was doing that, and I knew I could to. I didn't have to go through a grieving process to feel better. Right?

I decided to go to bed. I changed and walked to my door. I unlocked it and then got in bed. I laid there. It was silent and I hated it. I plugged in my iPod and played Pandora. I needed to get some sleep. Tomorrow the boys had a sound check for their first concert now that Louis' leg is better. I continued to lay there and think until I slowly was captured by sleep, only to be awaken ten minutes later. I opened my eyes to see Harry sitting on the edge of the bed and Niall standing next to him. They were staring at me.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to wake you love." Spoke the British boy. I gave a small smile to them and closed my eyes again.

I felt the Irish boy kiss my cheek and whisper in my ear. "Good night, beautiful." Then leave the room.

"Good night, lovely." Harry spoke quietly, gently placing a kiss to my temple.

He stood up and started to walk away when I stopped him.


"Yeah, love? What is it?"

"Will you please stay with me tonight?"

"Yeah.... I can do that. Let me go get changed into my pajamas and I will be right back."


He turned and walked out the door, returning five minutes later. He climbed in on the other side of the bed. I turned to face him. He smiled at me and leaned closer placing a kiss on my forehead and then returning to his previous position. He closed his eyes. I was using all my strength not to cry, but sadly I was not strong enough. I let the tears fall as I watched Harry fall asleep. He must have been tired because it didn't take long for him to fall asleep. The tears just continued to fall. I rolled over, my back now to the British boy. I kept crying. I tried to be as quiet as possible, but I must have failed because I was suddenly pulled into someone's body. I must have woken Harry up.

"Kathryn? Love? Listen to me please?"

I rolled over to face him but I didn't look at him. I couldn't. Not without completely loosing it.

"Kat, please look at me." I didn't budge.

He obviously wasn't okay with that because he cupped my face and angled my face to his. He wiped the tears away with his thumb. I was weak and needed someone's comfort. He was there and offering it to me. I looked him straight in the eyes. It was like he read my mind. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his body. I buried my face in his chest. Something was different though. He wasn't wearing a shirt. I didn't care though. I hugged him and sobbed. His arms wrapped around me tighter as tears fell on to his chest, then he slowly relaxed and loosened up. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes. He sat up and leaned his back on the wall behind him. He lifted my head so I was using his leg as a pillow. He softly stroked my hair and began to softly humming. I slowly stopped crying and drifted off into a deep, deep sleep.

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